For those 500 people that joined us yesterday, I would like to - TopicsExpress


For those 500 people that joined us yesterday, I would like to tell you a little about Sarah’s Child. ABOUT THE BOOK. ‘Sarah’s Child’ is all about love, decency and reality in a very contemporary context. When young Sarah Clarkson finds she is pregnant to her boyfriend, Stewart, she thinks her fairy tale life is just beginning. That fairy tale turns into a nightmare of domestic violence and crippling control and jealousy, driving Sarah over the edge. Coming from a loving family, Sarah watches as her parents bring her newest sibling and their third child into the world, coincidentally the same day Sarah’s child is born. Seeing them enjoying the love and security of a long term marriage only makes Sarah and Stewart’s relationship all the more painful. Sarah develops postpartum depression, joining millions of mothers around the world with this insidious and crippling condition. Even when recovered, her life is wrought with frustration and pain as the father of her child uses every dirty trick in the book to control her. Desperation drives Sarah to commit a crime that sends her even further down the path of despair and no matter what crimes her spouse may commit against her, it seems society is one sided and there is, for the once mentally ill, no justice. At least not if you are a woman, a mother, alone. Stewart is egged on by his evil step-mother and his worthless, abandoned-him-as– boy father. With such role models is it any wonder he sees nothing wrong in giving her the odd ‘love-tap’, or taking what is hers from her bank account… for the baby, of course. This story is all too real because it is based on real events. Everything in ‘Sarah’s Child’ has happened to someone: someone you know, someone close to you, maybe someone very much like yourself. Maybe you? ‘Sarah’s Child’ is a work of fiction, but it is not a fairy tale. The events depicted in this novel are all too real. For millions of mothers, especially first-time mums, postpartum depression strikes and causes considerable damage. Damage to self esteem, to relationships, to lives. ‘Sarah’s Child’ doesn’t set out to vilify one side or another, but it does hope to draw attention to this condition and to the suffering of not only the mother, but everyone close to her. If by reading this novel you spend just a few minutes reading up on postpartum depression (PPD) then we have achieved one of our objectives. We have helped spread the word. While many of the events fictionalized for this novel did happen in the lives of myself and my family, they have been transformed into what I trust is a very readable, very enjoyable work of fiction with the assistance of a professional writer. Perry Gamsby, D.Lit., M.A.(Writing), is an accomplished writer and published author whose own novels have been acclaimed as the epitome of ‘Street Lit’. I chose Perry to assist me with this, my first novel, because while I knew the story I wanted to tell, telling it is not my strong suit. Leveraging the help of talented professionals like Perry is something all of us should do, particularly if we or someone we love is suffering as Sarah suffers in this story. There are several links to where such professional help can be obtained on our web site; Please enjoy ‘Sarah’s Child’ as a work of fiction, but also as a call to action because mothers are a precious resource no society can afford to waste or allow to suffer. FOR A LIMITED TIME WE ARE OFFERING SARAHS CHILD FOR FREE. YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT ON THE LINK BELOW smashwords/books/view/452764 Remember to leave a review.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 10:59:02 +0000

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