For those interested in ancient history and genealogy, I created a - TopicsExpress


For those interested in ancient history and genealogy, I created a new group today, Ancient Royal Lines (CFR). Check it out if you like. Some Research Tips For Ancient Royal Lines (Roman Piso, 11-18-2014) Ive found that once someone is getting into specific details about ancient royal lines, that it becomes a matter of gathering statistical data in many instances. What this is, is actually a part of the process of building a profile for particular individuals. When beginning as I and others did, in general, wed start with those that are termed or known to us as primary or important individuals within royal families. Also, most will begin by gathering information about well-known public figures in ancient times, such as, the Roman Emperors and/or other rulers within the Roman Empire. What is very important is a guide or guides in which to use as your main go to source for statistical data and/or leads, hints and even simply clues as to where to look next. I had compiled books to help with this, but those were destroyed. So, I must try to recover what I can of those so that they may once again, be available to fellow researchers.* While many researchers were focused only on, or primarily on, literary sources (ancient texts and books), I and others have also made use of other information that had often been missed or dismissed. One of those sources are inscriptions on physical structures, markers, graves, monuments, and items found; sometimes within crypts, caves, and catacombs. But also most helpful, is data that is known to us now from ancient coinage. These items are extremely valuable in many ways, including clarifying the information found in texts, and answering questions that might not have been answered otherwise. It should be understood by anyone who is a serious researcher, that some sources are better than others. When it comes to ancient texts, it is much better to know the language in those texts yourself and use primary source documents, or as close to them as may be possible. I suggest to most people who do not know ancient language themselves, but still want to make use of primary source documents and understand them as fully as possible, to make use of the books found in the Loeb Classical Library. The Loeb Classical Library editions, are mainly and for the most part, interlinear in the sense that they give both the original and/or earliest (primary) source material and the literal or most exact words in them in English, along with other specifics when and where possible. These books are not interpretations, but as just stated, for the most part, literal translations by the best experts in the field. The books are produced by Harvard University (Press). Though, to purchase them, it can certainly get pricey. So, I suggest that for most people of modest means who would like to make use of these, a visit to a local college or university library to search for these would be advisable. Another very helpful reference (although, generally very expensive), would be a book or volumes known as Roman Coins And Their Values, which was written and compiled by David R. Sear.** This is useful for a number of items which include personal data regarding all of the Roman Emperors and their families, including that of their Empresses, ancestry and descendants, if any. Statistics are given there also, such as birth and death dates, career dates, marriage dates, children, if any, and so on. Regarding this book or volumes, early issues were in the form of one book; later on, other volumes were produced. Since this may also be cost prohibitive, copies may be found at a local college or university if one may not be purchased anytime soon. *See the list of books on ancient history and religion that have been written by Roman Piso. **David R. Sear is widely known as a foremost expert in the field of ancient numismatics (ancient coins). You may do a search, or go here for more info on his book/s; freemanandsear/books.html
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:54:22 +0000

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