For those of my friends, family and even some strangers who have - TopicsExpress


For those of my friends, family and even some strangers who have been kind enough to share Ryans story and/or make a donation to help this young man, who is very dear to me, with his continuing struggle, I just wanted to share the latest update from his Mom, Deena. Thank you again have no idea how much you have helped and are helping Ryan. God bless you!!! Updated posted by Deena Onufer 9 hours ago We had a meeting with Tim... We had a meeting with Tim Scotts reps last week. We were informed that the representative was able to push Ryans claim to Columbia and we should receive notification in six months. If they deny him again we will have to seek an attorney. Meanwhile Ryans seizures have progressed, and he is now having grand mal seizures. We have spoken with Johns Hopkins about Ryan, and they have told us about many new options for treatment. These new options sound very promising but we will have to wait for six months before we can make a move on anything. My family and I want to again thank everyone for their generous gifts, donations, thoughts, and prayers. We could not have gotten this far without you! Thank you!!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 03:15:07 +0000

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