For those of you that say we should take care of our own before we - TopicsExpress


For those of you that say we should take care of our own before we reach out to the children of the world, please consider what you are saying. I direct a compassion ministry and am also a youth and family counselor. My wife and I have done foster care and adopted five children from four states and two countries. I have tried to reach out in my own home to touch the lives of the needy. I cannot do this and ignore the plight of those outside my home though. There are around 500,000 children in foster care in the US. There are over 100,000,000 orphans in the world. Each day 2-3 children out of a school room of 20-25 are sent home to no food. Thank God they are fed at school. There are 100s of millions of children around the word not so fortunate. In the time it takes you to read this dozens of children outside the United States die of hunger or hunger related causes. Every five seconds a third world child under the age of five dies for lack of services they would have received in the upUS. I agree there are needs to be met here. I do know also no child that starves in US dies of starvation for lack of resources. The resources are there. I will conclude that if you feel a burden for the children here, then adopt a child, do foster care, or work at a food bank, or at least give money to a needy child. Please though, do not compare the plight of our children to that of those from such lands as we refer to. I promise you there is no comparison. Mother Theresa once said, There but by the grace of God go I. I say sit back in your recliner and condemn the world to starvation as you say there is children in your own neighborhood that need help, yet you like most likely do nothing. The fact is we here possess the resources to end world hunger. We can feed those at home and have plenty left for the world. Im not sure what the solution is, but your perspective offers nothing curative for anybody. I do not have a solution for the multitudes crossing the borders. Our borders must be controlled. At the same time I cannot imagine justifying turning innocent children away. Let us at least understand their plight and pray for a solution grounded in wisdom and compassion.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 00:49:22 +0000

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