For those unaware, located within Yellowstone National Park is the - TopicsExpress


For those unaware, located within Yellowstone National Park is the Yellowstone Caldera housing one of the worlds handful of supervolcanoes. The YS Caldera is located in NW Wyoming and spans an area of about 34 miles by 45 miles. The caldera has formed and taken its shape over its last 3 eruptions spanning the last 2 millions years, the most recent occurring 640,000 years ago. The last 3 full-scale eruptions occurred in 600,000 year increments. Given the last full-scale eruption was 640K years ago, the biggest question for years is whether or not another full-scale eruption will happen in our lifetimes. Last Sunday, Yellowstone NP experienced its largest quake since 1980, a 4.8 M on the richter scale, quite a jolt given tremors of 2-3 M have generally struck in this area. While you can read news articles speculating how big of a disaster such a full-scale eruption would be, in reality, these articles dont post anything about when, because this is just not something we can put a timetable on. T-minus X and counting... It just doesnt work like that. A YS eruption could occur tomorrow or it could occur 50,000 years from now, but from what Im gathering and the trends Ive noticed for quite sometime now, it could be soon rather than later. I was debating on whether or not to post this, but I figure why not, weve all read the articles speculating different angles and opinions on this, so this is my take...
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 00:01:35 +0000

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