For your information... Here are their names, State and - TopicsExpress


For your information... Here are their names, State and contacts: Four are retiring, six in 2014, 12 in 2016, and 3 in 2018. Retiring Senators: Saxby Chambliss, Mike Johanns, Jeff Chiesa, Tom Coburn, Chambliss GA (202) 224-3521 Johanns NE (202) 224-4224 Chiesa NJ (202) 224-3224 Coburn OK (202) 224-5754 I’d say to start a recall, but we have bigger fish to fry. Instead, call their offices (be civil, thanks) and tell them to not let the door hit them on the butt on their way to the cushy Health-care related lobbying job they’ve no doubt secured. Senators up for re-election in 2014 Mitch McConnell KY (202) 224-2541 Lindsey Graham SC (202) 224-5972 Lamar Alexander TN (202) 224-4944 Susan Collins ME (202) 224-2523 John Cornyn TX (202) 224-2934 Thad Cochran MS (202) 224-5054 Senators whose term expires in 2016: john-mccain2 I was this close to an inside straight, then I realized I was playing “Angry Birds” – damn these smart phones.. what? a vote? I vote with my friends, the Democrats! Arrrg.. John McCain (start the recall now) AZ (202) 224-2235 Kelly Ayotte NH (202) 224-3324 John Boozman AR (202) 224-4843 Roy Blunt MO (202) 224-5721 Richard Burr NC (202) 224-3154 Dan Coats IN (202) 224-5623 John Hoeven ND (202) 224-2551 Johnny Isakson GA (202) 224-3643 Ron Johnson WI (202) 224-5323 Mark Kirk IL (202) 224-2854 Lisa Murkowski AK (202) 224-6665 John Thune SD (202) 224-2321 Term expires in 2018 John Barasso WY (202) 224-6441 Bob Corker TN (202) 224-3344 Roger Wicker MS (202) 224-6253 BE NICE. Read more at joeforamerica/2013/09/update-25-republican-cowards-heres-names-numbers-update/#YGWURqequTmQYBqO.99
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 06:20:28 +0000

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