Former Rangers director Paul Murray: The crisis-hit board at Ibrox - TopicsExpress


Former Rangers director Paul Murray: The crisis-hit board at Ibrox are a bunch of dirty Ratners MURRAY believes Gers fans are being treated with the same contempt shown by the infamous jewellery shop chief in the 1990s and that NOW is the time for them fight back. “We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, ‘How can you sell this for such a low price?’ I say, because it’s total crap.” - Gerald Ratner, speaking at the Institute of Directors on April 23, 1991. “When you get to be chairman of Rangers, you get to do it your way.” - David Somers, turns on the charm to hecklers at the club’s AGM on December 22, 2014. GRANTED, Ratner’s infamous speech might have scored more points for delivery and humour but, in terms of the damage done to the relationship between a company and its customers, the above comment from the bungling Somers may also, over time, be filed under the category of ‘direct hit’. Paul Murray certainly hopes so. For the fat end of four years now Murray has been engaged in what has at times appeared to be an unwinnable struggle against the men he blames for the mutilation of his football club. A war which began when he tried and failed to block Craig Whyte’s takeover in 2011 and which, until this day, has continued unabated. Charles Green, Imran Ahmad, Brian Stockbridge and Craig Mather have all come and gone. Now it’s Somers, the Easdale boys, Barry Leach and Derek Llambias who are fixed in Murray’s sights as a shoot ‘em up looms on the horizon. The names and the faces may change. But Murray’s desire to rid Rangers of this endless cast of pantomime villains has remained undiminished throughout. Yesterday the former director raised his head back above the parapet for the first time since it was announced that he is playing a key role in Dave King’s latest attempted coup. Murray released a statement at lunchtime in which he revealed that he has taken lifetime memberships with two separate fans groups, the Rangers Supporters Trust and Rangers First. It is his firm belief that, with a united support at King’s back, the barricades at the boardroom doors might finally be broken down. “This is THE moment,” said Murray late yesterday afternoon as he spoke exclusively to Record Sport about his reasons for returning to the very heart of the battle and the importance of his latest rallying cry. “It is probably fair to say that this very moment is as significant and important as any other in the history of Rangers Football Club . As supporters, we must not allow it to pass us by. “We must act together in the best interests of our football club which has been used and abused over the course of the last four years. “I would urge all Rangers supporters and stakeholders to engage in this debate and to have their say. Just like last year’s independence referendum, every vote will count so opting out is really not an option. Get involved and do what you think is the right thing for your club. “The message I keep hearing from the fans towards the current board is simple and it’s growing louder and louder every day: Get out of our club. “Well this is that moment. We’ve had four years of some of the worst behaviour that the club has seen in a long, long time. This is the chance to change it. It’s not a futile effort, this is our chance but you have to engage in the debate.” There have been various potential tipping points over the course of this unrelenting chaos. Twice already Murray has come close to storming the staircase. In 2012, his Blue Knights attempted to haul the club back from administration then watched from the sidelines as, under Green’s control, it fell into the full horrors of liquidation Murray was back hammering on the doors in December 2013, this time as a requisitioner, against a board which had completely self destructed. But Somers was scrambled in as chairman - replacing Walter Smith - and Graham Wallace rushed into the role of chief executive just in the nick of time. Big promises were made in an attempt to placate but it’s hard to think of any which were kept. Just the other day another was broken when the board confirmed it may pawn off its own stadium for a £10m cheque from Mike Ashley. And this single act appears to have united an often fragmented Rangers support. If these fans were simmering at Somers’ arrogance in December, they have reached boiling point now. The next Rangers manager: Who would you like to see in charge at Ibrox? Murray nods: “I would use the example of Gerald Ratner from twenty years ago when, you may recall, he talked about his own products as being cheap crap. He humiliated his own customers and those customers rebelled against him. We all know what happened to Ratners after that. “The lifeblood of any company is its customers and at a football club those customers are your supporters. “What we have now is a culmination of four years of horrendous behaviour and of treating those customers with contempt. That’s why it has to change.” King, Murray and former brewery boss John Gilligan will, over the course of the next seven weeks, attempt to force this change. If they can garner the support of more than 50 per cent of the shareholders then they will obliterate the current board before rebuilding the club. Murray’s message to fans and shareholders is loud and clear He said: “As three individuals, if our efforts are successful, we are committed to introducing meaningful fan ownership and fan representation. So Rangers supporters have the chance to make this happen. “What they have to do is step forward and buy shares through one or both of these organisations (The Rangers Supporters Trust and Rangers First). If you are already a shareholder then make sure you vote or, at the very least, proxy your shares to one of these two organisations.” In his statement, Murray warned yesterday of a storm ahead, stating: “In the lead up to the General Meeting the usual suspects will attempt to undermine our cause because they realise their days could be numbered. The truth is that for the first time in years there is a group of people capable of rebuilding and repairing our club and malicious speculation will not deflect us.” Not for the first time in this saga, the knives are being sharpened. Mike Ashley is doing Rangers a favour by keeping it afloat He said: “Passions are running pretty high on both sides and, speaking from past experience, there has been quite a lot of spin and media campaigns against various individuals. I wouldn’t expect it to be any different in this process. “When I spoke to the board at the 2013 AGM, I told them the people sitting in front of them were their customers - and that these customers had disengaged from the business. “Any company in the world which alienates its own customers and treats them with contempt becomes a completely broken business. “You are seeing this now with the falling attendances, the growing demonstrations and the events of last Friday night when the supporters made their feelings clear. Surely, when faced by such a situation, any board of directors of any company must realise that they are not fit for purpose. When your own customers are walking away then, as a board, you have reached the point of no return. “Surely, at this point, the board must realise that they are not fit and proper for this club.” That they continue to cling on for dear life, however, raises levels of suspicion as to the real motives behind their desperation to stay in power. As late as yesterday evening, Ol’ Big Hands himself was pulling up a seat in front of Sky’s cameras and prompting the obvious question; did he ever really go away? For four years, Murray has voiced concerns about what might really have been going on behind the scenes. If he is right - if this is his time - then he will not rest until the whole truth is dragged out of the darkness of the boardroom. He added: “As Dave King has said, we intend to carry out a full forensic investigation of all the key contracts and agreements which have been signed off by this board over the last three years. We will soon find out if indeed it is the case that they are trying to hide something or protect something from being exposed.”
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 09:05:11 +0000

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