Frack... Nova Scotia certainly isnt rolling in the - TopicsExpress


Frack... Nova Scotia certainly isnt rolling in the dough. (By the standard of almost all the people in the world yes we are. We are in the top 5% richest in the world) The Maritime province has a higher unemployment rate than the countrys average. (NS latest unemployment rate is 8.8%. The CDN rate is 7%, mostly because the prairie provinces are effectively at full employment). Were no better or worse off than most and doing well by intnernational and historic standards. ) Its also a have-not province on the equalization payment grid. (Thats because we have not great giant expansive northern territories to draw natural resources from... but everyone knew that going in to confederation.) In terms of government debt, Nova Scotians are carrying $15,500 per capita. (So? Is that a big number? Compared to what? The average Canadian carries personally over $28k in debt not including mortgages... is $15k per person government debt a big deal? ps - Your federal government debt is $18k per person in Canada) But that hasnt stopped them from putting the lid on one potential source of revenues. (That is to say potential revenues... consider how many easy way quick fix schemes have been proposed like this in the last 100 years.) On Sept. 3 Energy Minister Andrew Younger announced that the province will ban hydraulic fracking. Brian Lilley put it best in the opening to his latest column: The government of Nova Scotia announced this week that it prefers to be poor and live off the handouts of other provinces rather than attempt to stand on its own two feet. (That form of argument is called a Straw Man and is one of the lowest forms of logical fallacy.IT seems to be repeated here to simply be bombastic.) Canadas economy needs energy to keep going. (I disagree strongly. Canadas economy has to find a way to store energy properly so that it can be easily produced cheaply where it is needed and stored until when it is needed.) The energy sector in this country is a great source of employment and government revenues. (So would the energy storage industry or any other new sector we decided to creatively support.) So whats behind this counterproductive decision? (How is being cautious, concerned, and yes, conservative with our greatest natural resources counter-productive.) A government statement notes: The decision comes after considering comments submitted by many Nova Scotians over the past 10 months, as well as studies, including an independent review commissioned by the government of Nova Scotia, and the recent Council of Canadian Academies report for the federal government. (There goes the government listening to the people again.) Were not surprised that public feedback played a key role. Fracking has been around since the 1940s, but extensive fearmongering by the enviro crowd is relatively new. Dont be mistaken: This isnt about facts. Its about politics and appeasing a vocal minority of radicals. (Ad hominem attacks are another common form of logical fallacy. Almost everyone once believed coal mining was the answer to our salvation. That did not make it more or less so.) As the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers noted in a response: Hydraulic fracturing has been used safely for more than 60 years in Western Canada, according to the provincial regulators in British Columbia and Alberta. Comprehensive government regulations and industry operating practices are in place in jurisdictions where natural gas is produced to ensure public safety and the protection of the environment. (Pecuniary interests are obvious here. Though fracking has been around for a long time it has been used almost exclusively in desolated and deserted area considered of little value. There is literaly no place that fits that description in Nova Scotia and folks just dont want to take the risk. Thats our right. ) This is playing out in New Brunswick politics. There the Liberals have promised a similar ban, with federal Liberal leader Justin Trudeau calling for more research. (As they should) Progressive Conservative premier David Alward recently said Trudeau is 50 years late. The reality is the scientific work has been taking place over the last 50 years. Exactly. (Yes, exactly, and now as fracking, which in my view is really just a rights flipping scheme, moves into much more valuable lands we want to keep control of our lands future. Whats wrong with that?) Dont want economic growth? Fine. Just dont expect the rest of us to chip in your losses. (do we want economic growth? Thats the question worth writing about. Do I want cake? Yes. But if its made from poison and potentially costs me something of the future of my friends home and family... well, no thanks. So... youre gonna have to be a bit more specific. )
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 21:37:47 +0000

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