Francis, George.... heres my bio for my character in Pathfinder. - TopicsExpress


Francis, George.... heres my bio for my character in Pathfinder. Short of it. Hes not a Bard because he wanted to be. Hes a Bard cause he needed to be. The Story of Kapo Kong: Kapo was born into a family of 17 siblings. Not the youngest, not the oldest, not even in the middle. Kapo was one of the unfortunate sons who didnt have much of an identity and so he was left out throughout many things. It was this, that molded Kapos personality. Kapo did everything he could to get noticed in life. He read many books to become a kind of genius. He went in search talents learning to play music and dance. When that didnt work he became a troublemaking clown, making quips every chance he could to get even just one person to laugh. Even going so far as to do crazy stunts and getting into fights at the cost his own life just to get his family to take notice.He was a small gnome in a a big world; occupied by (giant). He didnt want to be a human, or elf or even an orc perse. No, Kapo enjoyed being a gnome and didnt once think being a gnome was a nuisance. If there was anything he were to be against gnomes, is that he didnt want to marry a gnome. Being around so many during his childhood, hed felt he had enough of that lifestyle. As a child he would venture off into the wild (not that anyone in his family would notice) to discover things on his own because anything was better than reading the same books over and over again. He grew to talk to animals. Learned the means of survival. And most of all, learned to dream. Kapo yearned of the idea of flight. He was so sure he saw a dragon once and it was then and there that Kapo dreamed of meeting a dragon, talking to one as a friend like he did with the wallabies and hares he grew to befriend, but more than anything, he wanted to fly atop a dragon. Wouldnt that be historic? Maybe if he were able to fly on a dragon, he would then stand out in front of his family as someone to take notice of. The first gnome to ride a dragon. But that would only be the second of dreams. Kapo would meet a girl hidden under a cloak stranded in the forest one day as a now young man. Unknowing of her identity nor her name, she spoke little. She had been traveling for what seemed to be on her own; running away. As little as he was to her normal size, Kapo introduced himself. Friendly and an invitingly, he made a fire and gathered food. She didnt talk much so he spent the night sharing her stories of his adventures. There was a moment where once finishing the tale of how he stole a caravan of goods, he caught a sight he had never once seen. Behind the fire, there she stared at him, her eyes glimmering, and Kapos heart jumped. The next morning, she would run off before he woke leaving him a letter When next we meet, may you have more stories to tell. A palace guard would arrive almost half a day later searching for the Princess. Was this princess the girl he had fallen in love with? Without a moment to lose, Kapo grabbed his belongings and set off on a quest to find this Princess without Name or face. To ride a dragon in hopes it would help. A true tale of Kapo Kong, And if his luck would lead to anything like the stories hed read, perhaps it could lead to a happy ending.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 00:59:59 +0000

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