French communists salute Charlie Hebdo and its determination to - TopicsExpress


French communists salute Charlie Hebdo and its determination to express the values of Freedom, Equality and Fraternity. The French communist party calls for national unity of all the republican forces against the barbarism that has just hit the Charlie-Hebdo team. The Barbarian carnage suffered by the weekly Charlie brings horror and pain and requires a national response of the greatest magnitude. Pierre Laurent and the national leadership of the PCF has called for all French citizens to express national unity - indeed of the whole republic - against the barbaric forces. “When lives are massacred - those whose passion was information and freedom of expression it is as if all of us is targeted, I is an attempt to strike at the heart of the Republic. That the perpetrators of this heinous crime must be arrested and tried. Our thoughts are with the victims, families and friends. This morning, it is the world of the cartoon, impertinence, humour, love of life that the terrorists wanted to silence. The communists enjoyed especially strong bonds with the cartoonists of Charlie-Hebdo expressed through an active collaboration with the Festival of L’humanite. This makes the pain of the loss even greater. The time is now to unite around republican values the broadest forces. Millions, all over the country express a determination to live the values of Freedom, Equality and Fraternity.Values that ‘Charlie’ epitomised. Communist militants, communist officials and Republicans, will be at all the initiatives in the coming days. We assert a need for a gathering of the whole nation. We express a belief that our people can come together and unite, irrespective of the philosophical and political thought or religious beliefs. We call on all citizens to strongly reject calls for hatred and racism. French Communist Party, Paris, January 7, 2015.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 16:19:14 +0000

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