Friday, November 29. Its cool and rainy in Hawaii. Housie left - TopicsExpress


Friday, November 29. Its cool and rainy in Hawaii. Housie left yesterday to spend literally all last night and today buying cheap Chinese shit thats only been marked up 2,000% instead of 10,000%. She may be back today, maybe not. Im working the day watch out of the farm division. My partners Poo the puppy. My names Friday. 06: 15. I go outside and wake up the dog. I feel her ears to make sure shes not cold. Nope, shes all toasty. Shes glad to see me, but she isnt thrilled about the rain even though she isn’t in it. It doesnt matter. We work rain or shine. I decide that shed be happy with a bowl of warm milk and some hot ham and eggs. She comes inside to tell me how shed like her eggs which is strange - I never made her eggs before. I noticed she ate all her breakfast but left a little milk. First time for that. At least I know her tummy is full. 06:50 No coffee today. I dawdled over washing the dishes and now the chickens are pecking at the back door. I feed the chickens. I have to or they just stand there and wont let anyone out the door. I grab ten pounds of fish food and head for the tanks while Poo goes on patrol. The chickens and fish dont care if its raining. They gonna eat. Poo reports back. No problems. Wet, muddy puppies seldom have problems. We check the plumbing I did yesterday. No leaks. Everything is fine and the rain has let up for the moment. 07:30 am. Everyone heads back to their spot. 07:40 am. Poo comes inside and wants to play. She has two collars. a play collar and a work collar. I can send her sounds, signals and, if necessary, a little shock when shes wearing her work collar but I dont have to. I wouldn’t anyway unless it was REALLY serious. All she has to understand now is that when we put on that collar we are going out to do something serious and she gets as serious as a three month old puppy can get. She has on her play collar, so she knows she can zoom in here, grab anything she can reach and run with it. She also knows its wrong, but that all Ill do is chase her until I get it back. Its a game. After a couple of times of that, she brings her tug toy. OK, we are going to play tug. Her idea of tug is that she has a grip on the toy and YOU tug with one hand and rub her tummy with the other hand while she lays on her back. She growls once in awhile and bares her teeth so you knows shes serious while shes wagging her tail upside down. Maybe thats the pit-bull coming out. Maybe I got the wrong DNA test back. Nothing about her remotely resembles a pit-bull. After we tug for a few minutes, she barks. She always barks for a reason. I look over and she is staring at the welding gloves. I get it. Now she REALLY wants to fight! She knows that biting doesnt fly unless I tell her get (usually a mouse) or we are playing and Im wearing welding gloves. She doesnt know why thats necessary, because the welding gloves dont bite back. But they are required or daddy gets shredded. 08:00 As soon as I put on the gloves, she attacks. She snarls and makes tough sounds and shakes my arm - and wags her tail. Its hard to take her seriously though, because she looks just like the picture at the top. But she has some really sharp milk teeth. Eventually she gets tired of that and goes to sleep on my foot. 08:30 She goes outside to sleep until we go back to work.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 20:12:42 +0000

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