Friends!!! Now the Internet is actively spreading roller, where - TopicsExpress


Friends!!! Now the Internet is actively spreading roller, where some experimenters had a social experiment in Russia and the United States. They portrayed the man who bad on a crowded street. And according to this roller https://youtube/watch?v=438sGy9IE58 in Russia to them no one came up and offered to help, but not in the United States every passerby podbegal and inquired about the State of health. This video course is immediately placed in all opposition blogs. So he instantly was published in Bulk and others. Scientific knowledge requires the repetition of the experiment. And I repeated this experiment in St. Petersburg, where the original movie. I showed that I felt bad about electric power station. Within 20 seconds, 8 people came to me and offered to help. I had taken my experiment on video ... The crowd around me grew with great speed, and if I stayed another minute, then there would be gathered, at least 30 people. Our people are not just ready to help, but then tried to determine the diagnosis of disease and to cure it. Immediately created a headquarters support. Where someone called an ambulance, but others thought like me save. And these people were with tâželenymi bags and apparently going about their business. You can endlessly repeat the experiment and those guys in big cities of Russia and small and the result will single-Russian people will come to the rescue. Not all passers-by, but come on. The indignation I contacted the authors of the source clip and asked them how they could make such misinformation. That got quite a response that they have not had to show the truth, and they only wanted to prove that we have no choice. Vnačali they portrayed badly ill and stopped every passer and helped rescue. Then they changed strategy and began to sit quietly in the corner. But then they came every 15 minutes and finally, they simply cut out of the video moments where the the patient approach passers-by. That is intelligently fabricated material so that looked so that people in Russia are not responsive. In the United States, they recognize that the same experiment flopped in New York, no one came. But when they repeated it on campus, have some kind of student organization for help in filming the movie, then it worked. The movie intelligently manipulated to show that in the United States people friendly and open and closed in Russia, čërstvye and angry. The United States does not pass by the whos bad, and it consists in Russia and will not notice. See reposty and user comments on this American movie: kind of good Russian soul, but why is this live?, s″ëbyvat′, you People, do not be indifferent. A shame for the nation , zagnivaûŝaâ America and sacred Russia. Informative . Im in shock, this is it, our Russia while another kičimsâ Russian spirit, nothing to berate America when the poor freaks, etc. that is this PR campaign has brought to the Russians the idea that we are a nation, the miserable living in brutal conditions of mutual hatred, and Americans are good-natured and caring about all the others people. And, they say, should be pleased to greet the initiative of the United States on the development of our democracy and American values. And you need to have an inferiority complex and shame for his people. The feeling of a squalid does not rise to the civilized world, nation. The shame, which we have tried to make in the 90-ies and almost gone in the last 14 years. While this one share State. But very good. It will be followed by others. Because we see that the State Department began actively promoting the massive United States inside Russia. They need our revolution and civil war. The transfer of power to their American puppets... Anton Vujma. (Translated by Bing) LikeLike · · Share 10 people like this. Максим Рудяк спасибо Серега ! первое скотское видео я даже открывать не стал, все было сказано еще в шапке:((, НО перепостить твое видео не решусь потому что боюсь гнева просвещенной и прогрессивной части моих френдов- загнобят. А тебе за этот пост -респект :)) Thanks Mom! the first skotskoe video I even did not open, all has been said even in a cap ((but perepostit′ your video does not dare because I fear the wrath of the enlightened and progressive part of my boyfriends-zagnobât. and to you for this post-respect:)) (Translated by Bing) 3 hrs · Like Sergey Volkov Думаю истина, как всегда, где то посередине. Но как всегда напрягла готовность лехко охаять своих и восхититься тамошними. I think the truth is, as always, somewhere in the middle. But as always strained to the cities of ohaât′ and admire the local. (Translated by Bing) 10 mins · Like · 1
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 10:48:51 +0000

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