Friends are the family you choose. Are you choosing - TopicsExpress


Friends are the family you choose. Are you choosing frenemies? When you are overseas, and specially in a job where you are isolated from your own culture and family, with limited opportunities and means of staying in touch with your family and loved ones, emotionally and socially isolated, with inadequate legal protection of your rights, even less enforcement of whatever inadequate legal rights you have, thus making you more vulnerable to the exploitation and pushing you deeper into depression. In such scenario, your friends become even more important. As they become your surrogate family, sounding board, advisors, social support system, culturally familiar network, supporters and new loved ones. Research suggests that happier people are more outgoing and have more friends, they easily make friends and trust more easily. Research also suggests that happier and friendlier people are more LUCKY because they are more approachable and have wider network which bring in more opportunities for them. To realize our full potential, we must strive to become SILLY Self-Inspired Love and Leadership for Yourself by embodying the SHEG values of progressive and secular, liberal humanist and globally connected egalitarian who are SELF-LEADER in terms of - Self-love i.e. lead a self-secure, contended and happy life with healthy family and relationships and financial/career security. - Love for the Environment i.e. leave less carbon footprint, reduce wastage and consumption, recycle, etc. - Love for the Ecology i.e. adopt a life style that leads to less destruction of ecology, flora and fauna, be kind to animal, ethical treatment of animals, your human rights are connected to the animal rights, try to go vegetarian because its healthier and vegetarian people live longer and meat-eaters have higher risk of cancer and impotency. - Love for the society at large i.e. contribute time, effort and/or money to charitable causes to further the society as a whole. To this mission of being SILLY, be friendly to all, only keep only those people who add value to your life and cut out the negative influences that drag you down. These negative influeces include negative thoughts, negative events, your own and others negative drama, negative people i.e. enemies and frenemies. A self-loving person does not have enemies, though there may be people who hate him/her, but self-loving person harbors no malice or holds no grudge, but is wise enough to cut out the negative people from his/her life with least amount of drama. After setting this as a context, I want to lead you in to thinking about the following: 1. Be friendly to all, but are you choosing frenemies instead of friends? 2. Are you an emotional hoarder i.e. collecting people around you in the hope that some of them will start loving you, but finding it hard to let go of those who harm you or are frenemies? If you answered, yes to either or both, that means you are insecure inside, your needs of being loved are unmet and you lack self-esteem. Cure it by developing self-love. Develop self-love by developing - more emotional self-awareness (higher EI - Emotional Intelligence), - by following your passion - its never too late, - by setting and pursuing goals related to your passion, - self-development i.e. - gaining skills and helping others, one of the best way of self-development and/or to heal own pain is to help others develop and/or heal. Rise and shine, smell the air and cut out the addictive substances e.g. tea or coffe (I rarely consume those). As a SELF-INSPIRED person you can stay drunk on your PASSION FOR LIFE withotu depending on the addictive substacnes to boost your energy to enliven your day. Gday all friends and frenemies ... havva rapchik maast funtastic day ahead. Burrahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ~ JATs it for now ... see ya laterzzz
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 21:50:08 +0000

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