From 2008- Charlie Russell- Charlie has starred in 4 documentaries - TopicsExpress


From 2008- Charlie Russell- Charlie has starred in 4 documentaries and tv programs and is the author of 3 books, Spirit Bear, Grizzly Heart, and Grizzly Seasons. His groundbreaking research on wild grizzlies in the Russian far east has shed light on amazing potentials and possibilities for human-bear coexistence and his efforts have helped lead to the vastly improved protection of the threatened pristine Kamchatkan ecosystem. Note: This sort of interaction with bears is NOT recommended, most bears are too negatively influenced by humans and are not as trustworthy as these bears you see in these photographs. These bears have interacted with few humans aside from Charlie, and are not influenced to look for human food as a source, so their involvement with humans like Charlie is sheer fresh Edenic curiosity and friendship. Also many of these bears Charlie raised and released into the wild himself. youtube/watch?v=QFyWaVmMbyw&
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 16:31:45 +0000

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