From Aesops Fables The Lark and Her Young Ones A Lark, who had - TopicsExpress


From Aesops Fables The Lark and Her Young Ones A Lark, who had her nest of young ones in a wheat field, had to leave them each day to go out and hunt food for them. As the wheat ripened, the mother, expecting the arrival of the reapers, left word that the young larks should report to her all the news they heard One day, while she was absent, the farmer came to view his crop. It is high time, he called to his son, that our grain is cut. Go, tell all our neighbors to come early in the morning to help us reap it. When the mother lark came her children told her what they had heard, and begged her to remove them to a place of safety. Theres plenty of time, said she. If friend farmer waits for his neighbors to help him, theres no danger of the grain being harvested tomorrow. The next day, the owner came again, and finding the day warmer and the wheat dead ripe and nothing done, said to his son: There is not a moment to be lost. We cannot depend upon our neighbors, we must call in all our relatives. You run now and call all your uncles and cousins and tell them to be here bright and early tomorrow morning to begin the harvest. In still greater fear, the young larks repeated to the mother the farmers words when she came home to her nest. If that is all, she said, then do not let it frighten you, for relatives always have harvesting of their own to do. But I want you to listen very carefully to what you hear the next time, and be sure to let me know what is said. The next day while she was away the farmer came as before, and finding the grain almost ready to fall to the ground from over ripeness, and still no one at work, called to his son: We cant wait for our neighbors and relatives any longer. You and I are going to the barn right now and sharpen our sickles. At dawn tomorrow morning we shall get to work and harvest the grain ourselves. When the young larks told their mother what they had heard the farmer say, she cried: Then it is time to be off, indeed. If the master has made up his mind to undertake the work himself, then the grain really will be cut. So the mother lark moved her nest, and the next day the farmer and his son came with their sickles and harvested the wheat. Jesus said: The Reapers are the Angels (Messengers of God) The Field is the World (the Earth) Gods Field The Wheat is the Good (The Righteous/Children of Light) The Tares is the Wicked (The Children of Darkness) At the End of the Age, My Father will send forth is angels, and they shall go forth and gather the Tares, And burn them, And then the wheat shall be gathered into the barn
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 18:01:28 +0000

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