From Barry Derbyshire I want to begin by saying how much I - TopicsExpress


From Barry Derbyshire I want to begin by saying how much I appreciate these various dissenting sites, seeking to disseminate the truth in a country where the mainstream media lie as a matter of course, repeating either out of laziness or malice the lies of our Government. Considering the fact that we now know our postings and comments are being scrutinised by those who seek to control us, it’s heartening to know there are still thousands of decent, brave men and women – and a growing number of young people – who are determined to speak out. Now for another little history lesson, so bear with me and I promise I will get to the point. The Labour Party was born over a period of time out of a mish-mash of various Socialist or left-leaning groups who realised the only way they could make a difference was to unite in the face of a common enemy. Pretty much as it is today. Keir Hardie, the first leader, was an evangelical Christian, and so were a lot – but by no means all – of others in the new Party. However, at a time when Christianity – at least nominally – was the prevailing alleged moral anchor of the country, it should come as no surprise that the moral expectations of both Socialism and Christianity are the same: help those less fortunate; share what you have; lift up the weak; feed and clothe the poor; house the homeless. My point is not to evangelise – far from it. I wouldn’t call myself a Christian, though I do believe a lot of the words attributed to Jesus make sense. But that’s just my opinion; I’m sure you have yours. My point is that the major difference between Left and Right is a moral one. On the Right, the political aim is to preserve the Status Quo, hence the title Conservative – conserving what they believe to be theirs by right. So they are fuelled purely by ideological expediency, intended to keep everything as it was before the Labour Movement reared its ugly head. Hence their determination to dismantle everything the Labour Party has ever done. Of course, some of them have a moral sense – many are members of different religions. But that doesn’t alter the ideological intent. Their morality I leave to them. The Left, however, is born out of a sense of moral outrage which goes deeper than any Political leaning. Wherever we stand in the spectrum of Lefties, we are there because unfairness hurts us. The treatment being meted out to the poor, the unemployed, the sick and the disabled sickens us to the core. Socialism, whatever its exact shade of pink or red, is and always has been far more than an ideology. At its heart lies a passionate outcry against injustice and cruelty. For this I commend you all. You are the people who hold aloft the moral torch, and by your efforts you are, I sincerely hope, slowly turning the tide. Keep up the good fight. We have seen – and are still seeing, all over the world – what happens when morality dies. So remember who you are, and what you are doing here. Just one other point, though. I understand the frustration, the anger, the disgust at what is happening right now in this country; but invective is not the answer. Instead be passionate about what you believe in your hearts. Someone evil once said: ‘Work makes you free’. Someone else said ‘The Truth shall set you free’. So tell the truth whenever you have the opportunity. We are fighting a battle for survival here. For the sake of those thousands who have died under the new regime, and for those homeless, hungry, destitute and without hope, let’s make sure we win.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 08:57:44 +0000

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