From Cr. Tania Baxter: Tree removal paves way for ‘safer - TopicsExpress


From Cr. Tania Baxter: Tree removal paves way for ‘safer place’ at Emerald Media release: 14 October 2013 (For those who have not seen this yet, especially bearing in mind whats happening in NSW at the moment!) Cardinia Shire Council has begun action to ensure residents of Emerald have a last ditch safety option if a ‘life or death’ bushfire disaster strikes this summer. Council today began removal of 50 ageing North American native Monterey Cypress trees in what is a critical step in the process to prepare Worrell Reserve as a Neighbourhood Safer Place–Place of Last Resort. “We have an obligation to protect our community and these trees need to be removed so we can get on with the job of improving public safety in time for this fire season,” Mayor Cr Brett Owen said. “Nobody likes to see trees removed, but if we want an NSP–PLR in Emerald, we have no other option.” Emerald is one of Victoria’s most vulnerable communities in terms of bushfire threat and Worrell Reserve was a gathering point for residents during the Black Friday, Ash Wednesday and Black Saturday fires. Residents have sent a strong message to Council they support an NSP–PLR at Worrell Reserve. But to meet CFA criteria, the ageing cypress trees that form a windrow along the north-western boundary of the reserve need to be removed. They are not only becoming increasingly unstable due to age – they pose a severe radiant heat threat. A key requirement for a Neighbourhood Safer Place is that it provides protection from lethal levels of radiant heat. The radiant level that would emanate from the cypress trees is some 50 times higher than the tolerable level. “Council has explored several other potential sites and no others met the criteria. Worrell Reserve is close to the town centre, is easy to get in and out of and is a defendable space. It is the only place for an NSP in Emerald – as long as those trees are removed.” Cr Owen said Council had consulted broadly with the community on the issue and had the support of the Emerald Village Committee, local emergency services and the majority of residents. He said using the car park only at Worrell Reserve had been investigated but ruled out as not safe enough, particularly as history shows people will naturally congregate on the oval in a time of crisis. “We hope it’s never needed, but if a fire does strike, people living in Emerald currently do not have options. This is about providing options, and while nothing beats leaving early in the event of a bushfire, a Neighbourhood Safer Place–Place of Last Resort could save lives.” Once the trees and other necessary vegetation removal works are complete, Council will prepare the site as an NSP–PLR in time for the coming fire season. New, more suitable ‘fire resistant’ trees will be planted to replace the cypress trees. Extensive plantings will also be undertaken at nearby Pepis Land. Cr Owen said Council was committed to making some of the felled timber available for use for community projects and has invited community submissions. Worrell Reserve was one of three local sites identified as suitable for designation as a Neighbourhood Safer Place in the ‘hills’ area of Cardinia Shire. The others are at Cockatoo and Gembrook. “Of course, it must be remembered that an NSP is not a guarantee of safety and that leaving early in the event of a bushfire is always the best option,” Cr Owen said. “But bushfires don’t always happen when you expect them and we don’t want people to get caught out. “If there is a fire here it would be catastrophic and we don’t want to look back and think – if only….” For more information, visit the Worrell Reserve NSP–PLR frequently asked questions page on our website.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 08:58:37 +0000

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