From GNOSIS. #ALBANIAN #CRIMINALITY IN #ITALY The geographic vicinity, the accessibility to the E.U. through Italy, and the ties with the Calabrian and Apulia criminality have all contributed to the expansion of the Albanian criminality on the Italian scenario. Further factors relative to the economy have rendered the Albanian criminality even more competitive. In fact, some organizations which reached Italy in the early 1990’s, infiltrated the Lombardy narco-traffic network run by the ‘ndrangheta’(29). The ‘chopping’ of some important Milanese limbs has determined the growth of the dependent Albanian groups, which have “capitalized” the Calabrian experiences and have acquired autonomous profiles of competence and reliability. This happened when the storage and transportation of goods, until relations with the Turkish “groups” had been finalized, was unanimously entrusted to the Albanian groups in Europe and the Countries of the Balkan route. Today, it appears that the top groups have reached such a trans-national profile and such a widespread rooting in the West so as to reduce their concentration and visibility in our Country, which, once, had made Italy the epicentre of Albanian expansion. Some leaders and the more organized groups have reached stable agreements with the Italian criminal organizations, also with the mafia, so have gained legitimacy in many illegal circuits, diversifying their activities to avoid reasons of conflict with similar host structures. So, Albanian drug trafficking has emerged in Apulia, Sicily, Calabria and Campania. Information and investigation evidence have brought to light how Albanian criminality operating in Italy, also thanks to a distinct propensity to the use of violence, has reached absolute prominence in some sectors, sometimes replacing local criminal associations. The main crime activities handled by the Albanian criminality, besides the sectors previously mentioned, are: - illegal immigration and trade of human beings, which, with regard to the national territory, constitutes a still relevant phenomenon although over these last years, a drastic decrease has been detected. This has been achieved also thanks to bilateral agreements between the two countries, which foresee technical assistance and personnel training programmes, together with joint vigilance at sea, using Italian naval units also in Albanian territorial waters. The Albanian authorities in virtue of these agreements, will re-admit into Albania, even those compatriots without documents; - arms traffic, mostly stolen from military deposits, which supply criminal groups in North Italy and some Calabrian and Campania gangs; - automobile traffic – high powered, elite makes, stolen in Italy and transported to Albania(30). As for the recycling (by the Albanian criminal organizations) of the enormous profits deriving principally from drug trafficking, the exploitation of prostitution and from the trade in human beings, it appears, from coinciding information, that these profits are invested in real estate and tourist hotels in Albania.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 19:24:40 +0000

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