From Jamalpur Years, Devadish, page 69: ...Baba sat down near - TopicsExpress


From Jamalpur Years, Devadish, page 69: ...Baba sat down near Kestopal’s head. He reached out his right foot and touched the big toe to the crown of his disciple’s head. Almost immediately Kestopal stirred. A collective gasp of relief passed through the crowd. “Open your eyes,” Baba said. Kestopal opened his eyes. “Who are you?” Baba asked. To everyone’s surprise he gave a completely different name. “Why are you here?” Baba asked. “Because you asked me to come and protect this body.” “Very well. Then as long as you are here you should do some work. Take your mind to the moon.” “I am there.” “What do you see?” “Arid plains and mountains.” “Is there any sign of life?” “No. There is no oxygen.” “Go below the surface of the planet. What do you see?” “Baba, I see vast deposits of gold and silver.” (…/rundown/its-confirmed-there-is-water/) “Now take your mind to Mars. Is there any sign of life?” “Yes.” “What kind of life?” “Microbial life.” (news.nationalgeographic/…/120413-nasa-viking-pr…/) “Now take your mind to a planet of the star Ashvin. Does life exist there?” “Yes.” “What kind of life?” “Human life.” “Does this human life bear any resemblance to human life on earth?” “No, Baba. They have a different physical structure.” “What is the spiritual standard of that civilization?” “They are far more advanced than human beings of Earth. Their young children are initiated into advanced processes of meditation.” “I see. Now take your mind to Tibet.” Baba gave him instructions to go to a certain cave in the Himalayas near Limpopo. “What do you see there?” “Baba, there is a yogi with long hair meditating in the cave.” “Can you recognize him?” “Yes, Baba; it is Subhash Chandra Bose.” “Ask him if he wants to come back to India.” “He is shaking his head no.” “Very well. Now take your mind to the Kremlin. What do you see?” “I see Malenkov meeting with members of his cabinet.” Baba’s voice suddenly hardened. “Tell Malenkov that if he does anything to disturb the cause of world peace, he will meet the same fate that Stalin met.” Baba gave permission for that mind to leave, after which the body remained lifeless. He looked around the room and told everyone that he would now bring Kestopal’s mind back to his body, but before doing so, everyone had to promise that they would not tell Kestopal what had happened... ... Didi Anudhyana Namaskar: I remember there was some discussion about this on another forum, years ago. I found what Dada Gunamuktananda i think wrote about it: Asvini is the first Nakshatra in Hindu astronomy, corresponding to β and γ Arietis. Beta Arietis (β Ari, β Arietis) is a star in the constellation Aries. It is about 60 light years from Earth. Gamma Arietis is 204 light years from Earth. Ancient Greek astronomers visualized Aries as a ram lying down with its head turned to the right. The stars α, β and γ Arietis mark the ram’s head and horns.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 23:23:10 +0000

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