From Kate Staiger: I hate confrontation and I avoid it, often at - TopicsExpress


From Kate Staiger: I hate confrontation and I avoid it, often at the cost of not speaking out on things which are real and vitally important. It is my luxury to do so, because I am white and middle class and straight and cisgendered and all sorts of other things which make it real easy to dodge trouble. I think really hard before I do post so that if confrontation does come, I have detailed arguments to back up what I have put out there. There may be times when this is measured and wise, but there are absolutely times when this is cowardly. The last few days are just such a time. Here is the truth, people of my feed: If you posted anything about the looting as indicative of why the protestors are in the wrong, I think you are racist. If you used the word thug, I think you are racist. If you posted a story about an unrelated black on white crime as relevant to current events, I think you are racist. If you posted that the Grand Jury knows more than we do so we should just shut up and believe them, I think you are racist. Am I racist, too? I hate it, but sure, yes. And I am trying REALLY hard to deal with that. Which means being willing to be confronted by anyone at any time and being willing to admit when I am wrong and most of all being willing to have horrible awkward painful conversations which may lose me friends. I have unblocked everyone I have ever blocked. So come at me. Both sides. Teach me something.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 22:34:48 +0000

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