From Liu Ming laoshi, Happy Spring Festival everybody! February - TopicsExpress


From Liu Ming laoshi, Happy Spring Festival everybody! February 3-7 ** CHINESE ASTROLOGY UPDATE: The Qi Node Great Cold comes to a close. The yang qi though ready to develop has no real potency. The hazardous, impulsive use of yang qi will be exacerbated by the Fire Tiger moon. The year gets off to a omen of modesty or calamity – up to you. Don’t press yourself into new disciplines too fast but don’t be a wimp either. Go slow and avoid restlessness and immature habits. Mon Feb 3 – 1/4 The sun’s yang Spring quality is back and tomorrow Spring Begins Qi Node solidifies the growth of yang. Household custom is to clear away New Year offerings and replenish them with splendid offerings to the God of Wealth. Today, in that tradition, one chooses who (what god or ancestor) will be your representative for 2014 at the Court of the Jade Emperor (celestial reality – Fate). In modern terms perhaps it is a day to look clearly out over your 2014 plans. Rethink your alliances, calculate your resources and be retrospective – one last time before the qi rolls forward into Spring. Good omen – the Liver channel is open. Use Liver 6, Spleen 4 or Stomach 36 for 5-10 minutes around midday. Use Lung 7 and Kidney 6 anytime. Reflexology is enhanced. Lower body muscle/tendon qigong is enhanced. Tue Feb 4 – 1/5 The Qi Node Spring Begins starts today. The qi of the day is sweet indeed. It is a great day to celebrate the New Year, get married, gather with friends, colleagues and make a start on a new project. Remember that strenuous effort is not called for just a kind of mellow celebration energy. Let things open up like early blooming crocus. Moving house, building projects are auspicious, but keep an eye on safety regulations and get help lifting the big stuff. It is a great day to conceive a boy and strengthen marriage ties after the kids are in bed. Welcome the beneficent ancestors into your home but avoid burials and graveyard visits. The Small Intestine channel is open. Minor recent onset qi disorders are easily reversed today. Around midday Spleen 4 and Sanjiao 5 can be used in any treatment to control wind symptoms – from bloating to madness. Hot footbath or foot massage before bed is good for digestion and assimilation. Spring Begins Qi Node: It is when “Yang Reverses Yin”. It is associated with WOOD element and strongest at 3am. It is also called Spring takes a Stand. The direction is NORTHEAST and the Trigram Gen. Though Spring Begins means the return of yang qi it is really mostly theoretical. We feel that Yin is done, but Yang is still only active “under the surface”. The overall trend has shifted towards Yang but it may not be accompanied by much apparent change, like warm weather or increased stamina. During this qi node qi is best at 3am. One should practice neigong just before dawn facing – northeast. Do not exert yourself, but let the yang qi play – this renews us and gives us longevity. During the day eat several small meals with family and friends. Renew relationships. Acts of renewal and generosity are auspicious and rewarding. Avoid being very productive and do not sign agreements. With the beginning of spring the Liver/hun “comes alive”. In the early nodes of spring dreams can be very revealing of our physical and spiritual condition as the beneficent ancestors (yang) come forward. Spring qi has a kind of hope in it – we dream both day and night during this time. Though our qi resources are not yet solid, it is auspicious to begin cultivating new and renewable projects. The caution is important – if we move too fast the weak underpinnings of spring yang collapse. If impulse accepts education all goes well. Wed Feb 5 – 1/6 The qi today has many of yesterday’s attributes and things go well if you are consistent. A step further can be taken with friends/colleagues and plans can be even more clearly envisioned. Plans made over a long period (last year) can now be solidified in term of commitment and resources. It’s a good day to shop, sell, purchase art and do fengshui adjustments (especially those based on earlier (last year) advice. However, remain modest. If you overshot the warnings of modesty yesterday – today you pay – big time. Injuries or illnesses acquired from strain yesterday offer insight into some bad habits, but will be hard to treat and could grow into acute symptoms very quickly (Tiger moon). The day is really a trap, not unlike the shamanic notion of schooling through poisoning. But just because the gates of hell are open doesn’t mean you have to stick your head in – right? The Heart channel is open. Misdiagnosis is highly possible. Treat patients with complex conditions in your best comfort zone – do not be too theoretical. Give care in the form of kindness and emotional support and do not geek out. Treat children with massage only. By some old reckonings in Household traditions today is everybody’s birthday. Thr Feb 6 – 1/7 The auspice of the day is found in small matters, details and ordinary activity. It is a good day for laundry, shopping for clothes and getting medical treatment. It is a good day to throw out or recycle the stuff you don’t need that somehow made it back into storage during New Year cleaning. The simpler your environment the better chance the new yang of the year will grow. It is a good day to study, plan to enroll in studies and breaking away from suffocating patterns of self-deception. The unevenness of the day will test your patience – be cool. What may be a gossipy quip today will return to haunt you later – zip it up on the gossip. It is a good day to treat Stomach Fire and all inflammations. The Stomach and Sanjiao channels are open. The auspices are high for successful treatments. Short use of Stomach 45 around midday undermines some psychosomatic disorders. Fri Feb 7 – 1/8 The qi of the day is a lost treasure – it will not be coming from where you expect it. Pull back a bit from theory and plans and keep your eyes open. Go with your second thought – not your first. Your best business contact may be found in a social setting and conversely you may wind up marrying the boss (kind-a-thing). Good evening for dinner in a restaurant with friends, good day for a concert or acquiring new music from iTunes. Simple fengshui adjustments could be powerful, short medical treatments could reverse chronic conditions. It is impossible to forecast the unexpected LOL. The Spleen and Pericardium channels are open. The qi favors recovery from injury and wounds (surgery), especially injuries to the legs and lower joints. Use Kidney 6 all day. Massage and Physical Therapy type treatments are enhanced. Sat Feb 8 – 1/9 This is a Jade Emperor Commemorative Day. The rites and festival that may follow celebrate the returning stabilization occurring in the balance of annual yin and yang – represented by a Celestial Emperor. The qi of the day does not require effort or offer great results but it is nevertheless easy and abundant. The auspices support research, ceremonies, banking, travel and joint ventures. Yin tonic herbs might be a good idea. Consult the oracle. The Large Intestine channel is open. Reducing heat will be easier to do today. Psychosomatic conditions won’t budget without some talk – let the patients talk FIRST MOON 2014 – FIRE TIGER or “Forest Tiger” The Fire Tigers inspires risk-taking and is full emotional landmines and passion. Uncontrolled drama and half-baked scheming make for a dark and calamitous fortune. This moon is suited to wars of passion (no strategy or skillfulness). Fire Tiger moon often exacerbates bad karma and burdens us with more entanglements. In a Fire Tiger moon a teacher/mentor can be a savior, as education (even punishment) are key to escaping the worst of the portents. Many people will die from incidental wounds or accidental injury. Crippling respiratory and circulatory illness suddenly develop (or go acute) from what appear to be minor bad habits.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:02:06 +0000

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