From Our Sally :) .. Cancer research UK have a massive fund - TopicsExpress


From Our Sally :) .. Cancer research UK have a massive fund raising event coming up October the 17th. I just want to remind everyone whats crooks they are........ I went into town today and I noticed the McMillan cancer Porta cabin in the town square. With a banner saying Ask us a question about cancer so I thought right I will. I walked up casually and said Excuse me I would just like to ask a question, why is cancer going up so high now ? It was one in ten and now its nearly one in two The lady ushered me into the van to sit down. She said here is some leaflets and she opened it up to a chart. She said this is the things we have to look at ...age style ....the food we eat ... The sun .....was a few of the things she pointed out. I said Right can I just ask about the sun creams. Ive been looking on line into this lately because things dont add up. Im hearing that its the sun creams that causes cancer NOT the sun. The sun creams have many chemicals in them and one of the chemicals is aluminium. That blocks the sun and reflects the sun away from our skin. But that is stopping us from getting Vit D, which is vital for our health. She said Oh I havent heard of that I said its makes sense though doesnt it ? She agreed. I never mentioned the chemtrails but I will here. ( The chemtrails have aluminium in them and that is reflecting the sun away from earth back out into the atmosphere so what damage is that doing to humans on a well being scale ? No wonder there is so many sick people now ) I then said Aluminium is in antiperspirants and its aluminium that is causing breast cancer She just stared at me. I then said Also all the chemicals and pesticides in fruit and vegetables, that causes cancer too doesnt it ? And we are encouraged to eat 5 a day, but NOT organic which is safe, and organic is out of the price range of a lot of people .........AND the processed food that we are encouraged to eat with the TV advertising all the time is also very detrimental to our health because its loaded with salt and sugar and thats why diabetes and cancer is sky rocketing and other diseases. And then we have aspartame in low fat products and aspartame in soft drinks and they too are causing the cancer. Along with the fluoride in our water. I said its pretty scary isnt it ? And on top of that we have the GMOs that Cameron is pushing us to accept into this country. And grow........The penny had dropped that I knew my stuff and she looked at me and said Look your a very intelligent woman. Not a lot of people walking around will know this. So I said Basically then .......they know all this gives us cancer and they do and say nothing, and you know this too? She said Im not really allowed to talk about this. I said yes in the confines of this van. How can you do this job ? She said The cancer act was brought in 100 years ago and we are tied by it. We are not allowed to talk about alternative medicine. SO they just wait for people to get cancer. Then they come to you and you try and fix them. But the cancer industry does not fix them because this lot ( I pointed to the cancer research leaflet ) are not searching for cures are they ? Again she just looked at me. She then said she used to work in alternative therapy and she had seen cancer cures. I said What a sad horrible world we are living in when people can do this to humanity. Its just awful. She said Why dont you get with some like minded friends and lobby for change I said there are lots of activists awake and Im one of them and we are desperately trying to make change but it falls on deaf ears a lot, but I believe change is coming So there you go she was saying that as long as we put up with things the way they are there not going to change. Basically the Elites are laughing at us because they think if were too stupid not to find this out and then kick up a riot and demand change then this is how its going to stay. The cancer act was introduced in 1939 ! And it states that NO alternative medicine shall be used or talked about in hospitals AT ALL ! And that they have the monopoly on the treatment you receive and where you have it ! Also parents of children that DO want alternative therapies for their children and not chemo can be threatened with arrest and prison. Its happening in America a lot. Its us thats having the treatment so why dont we scream for change ? Dont you think if they really wanted to cure cancer they would of changed that by now ? The people who put these acts in place dont have to go through what we do do that because they have the best of everything ! we need a lobby put to parliament or wherever these petitions go and ask for change in the archaic medieval EVIL cancer act !
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 09:37:54 +0000

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