From Sylvia; SylviaBokorComments: A. To make NM more - TopicsExpress


From Sylvia; SylviaBokorComments: A. To make NM more business friendly, it is necessary to vote in business-friendly politicians and get rid of those who are anti-business and hostile to individual rights. One pro-business candidate is Johnny Luévano, running for House Representative District 16, against the Progressive Democrat Antonio Maestras. Please visit Johnnys web site to acquaint yourself with the man. johnnynewmexico ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULLETIN BOARD On a balanced budget 1. From Senator Rand Paul, Washington, D. C. [Editors Note: The following are excerpts, which I have heavily edited.] Im working to achieve fiscal responsibility in government by passing a Balanced Budget Amendment . . . during Obamas tenure in office, our national debt has nearly doubled. . . . the $17 trillion national debt we hear so much about is just the tip of the iceberg. When the governments unfunded liabilities for Medicare, Social Security, and federal employees retirement benefits are counted, American taxpayers are really on the hook for over $86.8 trillion. President Obama and his big-spending allies in Washington, D.C. have been piling on to our national debt every day, and show no signs of slowing down. . . . . Thats why I hope you will sign your petitions for the National League of Taxpayers Balanced Budget Amendment, Senate Joint Resolution 7 and House Joint Resolution 5. . . . Access nationalleagueoftaxpayers/Sign-bba-rand.aspx?pid=0408b +++++++ On the Governor & Unions 2. From NMRP, Albuquerque -- Following is an excerpt. EDITORIAL: New Mexico challenges its public-sector unions -- Gov. Martinez works to loosen the grip of AFSCME. The success of governors holding unions to account in the union strongholds of Wisconsin and Michigan has inspired imitators. Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico — often mentioned as a prospective Republican vice presidential nominee in 2016 — wants the state government to quit collecting dues for the public-sector unions. Government collection of union dues is not particularly costly for taxpayers, but it’s a unique and valuable perk for the unions. It’s so valuable, in fact, that Ms. Martinez was immediately scolded by a spokesman for the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, who called her announcement a declaration of war. . . . +++++++ On business-friendly states 3. From Michael Reagan, Jefferson City, Mo. [Edited.] -- 60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas. . . . Governor Jerry Brown is probably not ready to grant the Republican Texas governor a Golden State citizenship, but he should at least demand he pay for a hunting license. . . . during the last few days of March Perry conducted yet another California safari to hunt local businesses. On the latest trip the travelin’ guv met with job creators in Los Angeles, Orange County, and Silicon Valley, representing technology, finance, and law firms. [Not on this trip but] According to Jeff Miller, executive director of Americans for Economic Freedom, there are 60 firms from California that have pulled up stakes and moved their operation to the Lone Star State. . . . it costs twice as much to rent a U-Haul to move from San Francisco to Austin than it does to go the reverse direction. The reason? U-Haul has to pay people to bring trucks back to California, because almost no one will do it voluntarily. It’s an exodus caused by the economic desert that California’s Democrat lawmakers and regulators have created. . . . in January, Texas added 30,000 new jobs, while in February California lost 31,000 jobs. . . . individual taxes are so much higher in California that when people move to Texas “most get a 10 percent pay raise — due to the lack of an income tax. The companies get a 10 percent rise in profits, due to lack of state corporate tax. It is win-win in Texas and lose-lose in California.” +++++++ On Tesla 4. From Paul Guessing, President Rio Grande Foundation, Albuquerque -- [Editors Note: Paul posted the following on April 8.] Tesla and Economic Development Discussion on 770 KKOB Radio! This Evening at 5:00 to 7:00 PM! April 8. Tune in to the Scott Stiegler Show on AM 770 KKOB Radio when Scotts guests will be Paul Gessing and State Senator Cisco McSorley discussing the proposed Tesla Gigafactory and economic development in New Mexico. +++++++ On ABQ Tea Party & IRS 5. From Chuck Coulter, Albuquerque. Just listening to Jay Seculow LIVE, and they just spoke about the ATP being singled out since 2009 regarding the IRS scandal and attack on conservative organizations seeking non-tax status. . . . Of course, the head of interference in this is scandal is none other than Elijah Cummings!!! He is of course claiming that there has been no wrong doing by Lerner & co. +++++++ On things happening around New Mexico 6. From New Mexico Business Coalition, Albuquerque --What Will it Take to Kick Start the Economy? According to Tom Fanning, CEO of Southern Company, Investments in energy would generate wide-reaching returns. New Mexico happens to be in a great position, compared to other states, to do just that. Access -- cnbc/id/101555347 Speaking of Energy Investments in New Mexico, here is a TECO Update: Despite threats of the TECO acquisition of NM Gas Company hearing going through Friday and reconvening for more in a few weeks, the hearing came to an end on Thursday, 4/3. The hearing examiner will present her findings and recommendations to the Public Regulation Commissioners in upcoming meetings. Parties to the case will be providing briefs on 5/2/14 and responses to those briefs on 5/15/14. We would still encourage you to sign the petition in support of this case, if you have not done so already. Sign and share the petition here: tinyurl/n58eq3d Kudos to Commissioners Karen Montoya , Pat Lyons and Valerie Espinoza for showing up to parts of the hearing. We applaud their effort to hear testimony first hand and learn the details of the case before it is brought to them for a decision. Rio Rancho, Its Time to Vote: Early Voting for the Rio Rancho run-off election is underway. We encourage Rio Rancho citizens to support pro-business candidates and vote TODAY! See Voting info here: Las Cruces Minimum Wage: Following the lead of other cities and counties in the state, Las Cruces has begun the debate on raising the minimum wage for the city. The Las Cruces minimum wage is currently $7.50, and supporters of the increase are petitioning for $10.10 an hour. Good Work on Min Wage From NM Congressman Steve Pearce. The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) wants to recognize a voice of reason on this issue coming from Representative Steve Pearce who said, “A minimum wage increase sounds good on the surface, but it drives stepping-stone and entry-level jobs out of the country, eliminating opportunities for inexperienced workers. This is extremely unfair to the poor, and those trying to find employment. The most important thing is to develop skills among lower-skilled workers, so that they can gain experience and work their way up to high-paying jobs. Quite simply, the minimum wage is counterproductive because it destroys these opportunities.” Las Cruces Residents Can Be A Part of the Conversation: A Great Conversation is scheduled tonight, April 8, at 6 PM at Las Cruces City Hall . These conversations, sponsored by the City of Las Cruces , are not designed to produce a decision on the minimum wage, but to educate the community on the different views and present hard facts on the topic. Business Highlight: New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau: Americas farmers and ranchers are the world’s most productive. Today each U.S. farmer/rancher produces food and fiber for 157 people in the U.S. and abroad. New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau -- is proud to be part of this agricultural success story. They are an 18,000 member organization comprised of farmers and ranchers, and those who are interested in private property rights and a local food supply. NMF&LB is the state’s largest, private agricultural organization and was founded in 1917. They participate in local and state level politics to ensure policies are favorable to food production, support two youth committees in order to mentor future farmers and ranchers, and lead 30 county farm bureau organizations state-wide to encourage participation in agricultural issues. For information about NMF&LB please call 575-532-4703. Upcoming Events - Save the Date: May 8 -- Las Cruces BASH (Business and Social Hour). La Posta de Mesilla. May 22 -- Albuquerque BASH (Business and Social Hour) - Albuquerque Country Club. 4:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. August 7 -- 2014 HEROES Luncheon. Albuquerque Country Club. RAFFLE TICKETS -- On Sale Now: Win a 7-Day Trip or your choice between a .50 Caliber Beowulf Rifle or a .556 Rifle! Access: https://secure.piryx/donate/ulJTfLGG/New-Mexico-Business-Coalition/2014raffle Drawing at the August 2014 HEROES Luncheon. You need not be present to win. The NMBC exists for people like YOU -- Join Us Today! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNOUNCEMENTS 7. From Frank Zamora and the Rio Rancho Tea Party Board of Directors, Rio Rancho -- Reprint of Letter to the Editor of the Rio Rancho Observer. [Editors Note: Video was added for this posting]: Considering Mike Williams recent attacks on the Hull family I thought it would be good time to refocus instead on Rio Ranchos issues and look closely at Mikes voting record. 1.) February 24, 2010 Voted for Area Plans that increased regulations and costs for businesses making Rio Rancho a less business friendly community. 2.) June 9, 2010 Voted for water rate increase for the citizens, while making the golf course and city exempt. 3.) December 15, 2010 Voted for resolution to extend eminent domain power which would have allowed developers to take individuals private property. 4.) September 27, 2006 and again on April 27, 2011 Voted for the original back flow prevention ordinance, which required all businesses to install RP back flow preventers, costing business owners thousands. This was later reversed because it was excessive and too costly. 5.) July 27, 2011 Voted for a new sign ordinance that prohibited businesses from having a signs viewable from the road. Then during the 2012 election he was cited for violating the sign ordinance -- 6.) December 14, 2011 Voted for resolution for funding for new Broadmoor instead of focusing money and efforts on road repairs. 7.) January 11, 2012 Voted for over $1 Million in landscape for less than one mile of road. 8.) Voted for over 24 increases or new taxes in his last 3 years as City Councilor. July 28, 2010 budget included one-quarter % sales tax, and development service fees, increasing costs and making business less competitive Other tax or fee increases include Alarm fee June 9, 2010, Permit fees June 9, 2010, Plan fee August 10, 2011, Sign fees July 27, 2011. All these fees made Rio Rancho a less than friendly place to do business. 9.) February 2009 Voted for $5 Million loan because he didnt want to wait 8 months to get the stimulus money. This cost the taxpayers $100,000 in interest and closing cost. The project didnt start until February 2012. 10.) Mike Williams also Voted for building the Santa Ana Star Center which is still losing the City $2.5 to 3 Million a year and will for many years. Rio Rancho cant afford Mike Williams if we want economic growth to fund our quality of life. Two-thirds of the voters in District 1 during the in the last 2012 Council election already figured out that we cant afford Williams in any city office. +++++++ 8. From the Western Republican Leadership Conference, James Evans, Chair, Utah Republican Party [email protected] Dear Republicans, In just a few weeks The Western Republican Leadership Conference will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah. This is an opportunity for all western Republicans to catch up, forge new relationships, and strengthen our state parties going forward this election cycle. We (Utah) have put together a great lineup of speakers and panels, and I look forward to joining Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Mike Lee, rising star Mia Love, and others at the 2014 WRLC. I encourage everyone to reach out to your Republican friends in New Mexico and ask them to take advantage of this opportunity to participate in this great event. 2014 provides an opportunity for the GOP to increase our majority in the House, and take back the Senate. The WRLC will provide the tools for Republicans in New Mexico to be effective in helping our great GOP candidates to victory in November. More information is available at westernrepublicans ( ===###===
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 03:59:25 +0000

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