From a distance, here in Arizona, reading the Guardians summary of - TopicsExpress


From a distance, here in Arizona, reading the Guardians summary of IndyRef, I was struck by the sense of excitement I felt all over again, to have been a small part of history, and a movement that has proven so resourceful and undaunted. The narrative confirmed that, essentially, the Yes strategists had wanted a clear Devo Max offer, and reported some of the more obvious unconstitutional acts of the No campaign. The one that still tingles is the Queens so-called intervention – I care less about her being used by the establishment, as she is their mechanical tool, but what still goes unremarked by the Guardian is the way the BBC reported it, uncritically, repeating over and over again the Orwellian mantra that She had no official opinion on the issue, but yes, she was a definite No supporter. The way the media fails to discuss that it is they themselves who transmit these ruses, including the No campaign writing Daily Record articles and headlines, is always an eye-opener. Honestly, I could also see why No won, just, in a centralised Britain, where it is inevitably difficult to establish an economic framework, when the economy is controlled in the overheated rich belts of the south. Of course, the aggressive and punitive austerity economy we are experiencing is surely more of a catastrophe than independence would have been, but, when the media paints the picture, the middle classes surely follow. More and more people are realising the issue wasnt and isnt a constitutional telescope; its about progress and renewal, hope and faith; fracking, land reform, food banks, self-respect. Power will only ever concede what it has to. Reading the Guardians account I was reminded, again, that we have that very thing they regret having lost.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 18:46:36 +0000

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