From a friend of mine for a very worth while cause. As October - TopicsExpress


From a friend of mine for a very worth while cause. As October 2013 is World ADHD Awareness Month, I’m hoping you will print the following to build awareness in the community and promote our Facebook page, that offers advice and assistance to ADHD sufferers and their parents, siblings or carers. My job is simple, or so I thought? To love, care and protect my child from all the downfalls in life. I never considered the possibility in my childless days, of ADHD, or what it involves. I was one of the many that thought a bit more discipline, a few more smacks or parents that tried harder, would surely bring these brats into line? It’s funny how our thoughts change as we grow older and what we once were so adamant about, too soon becomes a mere distant memory. Because you see, my son has ADHD....... a grey area between Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Mental Health Spectrum. My beautiful blue eyed boy, who gets teased at school for his quirky habits, who doesn’t often get invited to Birthdays as his social skills are just not quite up to par, whose literal attitude means he will look at his feet, if you tell him to pull his socks up and who’s imagination and creativity is mistaken for “weird” and “different”. Yet really, at the end of the day, as diagnosis’ of ADHD are increasing and expected to be at an all time high in Australia by the year 2020. Could there really be that many bad parents?, could discipline and obedience have truly failed these children so much??? No, not at all.....! ADHD is a very real medical condition. With the implementation of brain scanning in the USA showing positive differences in the brains of children with ADHD, compared to “normal” children, it is only a matter of time before the rest of us catch on to this very real condition. A clear and accurate diagnosis needs to be made so these kids can be assessed and acknowledged before they begin school and both their grades and self esteem digress to a level of unmanageable. Because of the stigma of bad behaviour and poor parenting, little or nothing is done to help these children? Diagnosis is rarely made before age 5 and between the ages of 6-8 is when most parents watch their child fall helplessly behind in school. Along with this come repeated behavioural problems at school and in a social atmosphere, low self esteem, bullying and anxiety. This in itself along with parents that are trying to work, raise other siblings, maintain a marriage etc, is a pretty mean juggling act and partially why many ADHD children end up in sole parent environments, which further escalates the cultural myth of poor parenting skills. This country prides itself on helping the needy, the aged, the disabled and the disadvantaged, yet assistance in school, behavioural techniques and focussing on a Childs natural skills and abilities is relatively unheard of here? It is extremely rare that ADHD kids fall under the national requirement of a 70 IQ level to be given entry into a special school or be eligible for an aide, so where does that leave them? These bright, highly intellectual children get left to fend for themselves in an ever aggressive society. Their contributions pushed aside because of a poor concentration level and spasmodic thought processes and actions! I am not a Dr, a Paediatrician, a teacher or a University graduate, I am quite simply a mum that knows only too well that anyone can be touched by ADHD, be it your children, your grandchildren or the kid next door and that public education of what was once “Spoiled Brat Syndrome” needs to be made more readily available, with very real preventative measures to make sure these children don’t slip through the system and are embraced to become the useful contributors to society that they have the capabilities, imagination and endless energy to become! I am a member of a Melbourne based ADHD support group. Our aim is to raise awareness of this very real mental health issue that is slowly and quietly becoming an epidemic in Australia. By understanding the truth surrounding children with ADHD you are lessening the stigma and judgement, that we as parents face on a daily basis and our children face every single day of their lives. For further information please email me at adhdvictoria@gmail or view and like our page at facebook/adhdvictoria October 2013 is World ADHD Awareness Month
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 05:41:14 +0000

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