From one of our page followers: I am a 47 year old mother who - TopicsExpress


From one of our page followers: I am a 47 year old mother who has a 16 year old daughter who has been in bed with ME/CFS for a year now. She just had her 16th birthday and was only awake for 3 hours that day. Our family has been blindsided by this illness. We bought a farm, purchased horses and began homeschooling so that my daughter could follow her passions. She belonged to 4-H, 2 separate youth groups, a speech and debate team, a homeschool co-op and was a gifted student. Life couldnt have been happier. My husband and I used to say, life couldnt be more peaceful and happy. Then just after her 15th birthday, our daughter came down with the Epstein-Bar virus. And life slowly changed until by the end of that first month of illness the picture was very different. I knew that something was very wrong. Docs said she would be better in 2 more weeks. Then they said in 6 weeks. Then they said in 3 months . . . . after three months well, maybe four. Then they said it can take as long has 6 months. I knew that she had ME/CFS symptoms by 2 months into this, but the doctors waited until 6 months to call it that. Now they assure me that she will be much improved by the end of 2014. I have seen some improvement in that the headaches are gone but . . .. In Seattle, there are few doctors I can find who even believe in ME/CFS. Now at one year, I see no turn around in sight and I learn by my own research that this usually lasts 24 to 48 months. I would very much appreciate hearing from other mothers who have a teen suffering from this illness. One of the issues I find most challenging is that when she is having a good day, others cant see that she is sick at all. Thank you, Sarah If you have a story to share, advice, or support for this mother, please comment below. Sarah appreciates any and all comments, however she is especially hoping to hear from others who have cared for teenagers with ME/CFS. Thank you.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 09:40:30 +0000

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