From the Bishops Pulpit: Able to Build Yourself Up, Who’s Got - TopicsExpress


From the Bishops Pulpit: Able to Build Yourself Up, Who’s Got Your Ear: Are you late for your ministry? You can only build yourself up based on what you hear and believe inwardly. Above all, we are commanded to believe we can do all things through Yahshua who strengthens us. We are compelled by faith to internalize this mandate: to drink it, eat it, and live it. Yet there are too many souls/leaders who are out of position (i.e., out of belief). Being out of position creates lack in any organization or group. You are out of position when you walk in a selfish intent instead of an ordained place. YHWH seeks to promote us in our ordained purpose but YHWH’s method of promotion differs from how man would promote. First, YHWH makes you aware of your heart’s desire. Even before salvation, one’s heart desire can be revealed. When a soul gets saved, however, he or she is empowered in that desire. YHWH demands that we place that desire on the altar and submit to his will. In doing this, we are demanded to keep YHWH first and not the desires of our heart. But whatever you offer up to Elohim, YHWH gives back unto you even greater. Are you late for your ministry? (Matthew 25:1—the parable of the 10 virgins) When you are late for your ministry, another soul is affected or denied his or her anointing—your delay causes delay in the life of another soul, a soul you were called to win for Christ. Many are out of position because we’ve been living in sin or we’ve refused to lay down what Christ commanded us to surrender. Don’t miss the urgency in the Spirit. Rather, obey! Even now, there is urgency in the Spirit to evangelize South Africa. Something great is birthing in South Africa, which YHWH will raise up as a head in the body of Christ to receive, teach and propagate the name of the Heavenly Father all throughout the continent of Africa and the globe. What Africa will spearhead, the body of Christ in America will follow after. Be willing to come against strongholds, cultural or otherwise, and break whatever is untrue. The bible teaches that the name of Christ came from heaven and not one specific ethnic group. Rather, the body of Christ is still exalting what man taught higher than what YHWH taught. The name Jesus was revealed by flesh and blood, but the name Yahshua was revealed via the Holy Spirit. (Acts 4:12—the name Jesus didn’t exist when this scripture was inspired and originally recorded). Rather, the Anglicized name Jesus is rooted in English culture and not divinely inspired. Therefore, YHWH is restoring the rhema name of Christ, which is Yahshua. YHWH has given Bet HaShem YHWH a mandate to preach and teach truth. When YHWH gives you a mandate you’re not waiting to see who will follow you but you operate under the unction of the Holy Spirit knowing that Elohim will usher in souls by his authority. Whenever you are out of position you cannot hear from the Holy Spirit as you should. Christians are out of position; hence they struggle with the names YHWH and Yahshua. If you struggle with the name, you struggle with something spiritual. Those who are limited to social and cultural norms can only teach what is relevant to the predominant or prevailing culture, however, when you are led of something higher/greater, you can transcend fleshly boundaries and appeal to the spirit of truth in another man regardless of your perceived differences. When you have a true word you can preach to nations. To the contrary, the name Jesus is a partial word: it segregates some and empowers others. This is true because it is rooted in flesh and cultural misappropriation. Bottom-line, a Jewish Messiah born in Bethlehem should be called as he was named. You are in error (i.e., out of position) if you’re called to lead and those walking under you can readily discern that you’re walking in hurt and frustration. You’re in error when you’re a leader and you meditate on being left out. Furthermore, if you are blaming someone else for not walking in your ministry, you are building yourself up based on a negative word. When you’re a leader if you lose influence the only way you can gain it back is to humble yourself and become a better team player. If you’re standoffish and appear arrogant you look foolish because you’ve already experienced a loss of influence. You’re in error to wait until the point that no one is following you to recognize that you’ve lost influence. If this is true, you’ve been building yourself up in the wrong thing. Yude (Anglicized as Jude) 1:17-20 “20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,” Agapetos: beloved, favored, worthy of love Epoikodomeo: to build up, open Pistis: faith, conviction of truth, belief In order to build yourself up you must believe you are worthy to be loved based on his grace alone. When you build up the kingdom (and not a ministry unto self), then you change the world. You weren’t sent or called to have fans but to change the world. When souls outside the church respect you, you have a true ministry. Otherwise, if only those within the church respect you, you only have fans. You build yourself up based on what Christ Yahshua is saying about you. Whatever Yahshua called you to do, he’s given you the ability to do it. What you pray in is what you become. Error happens when the wrong thing has your ear and then you can’t/don’t speak the right thing over your life. When you go places, it makes you respect where you are. You understand with urgency that it’s wrong to believe that one culture is superior over another. Wherever you go, you leave an impression about yourself and what you believe. Faith calls you new with each confession. Acts 20:32 “32 And now, brethren, I commend you to Elohim, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.” Stop believing you’re late for a blessing. Being hurt will keep you from walking in your ministry. Walking in your feelings will put you out of place. What will put you back in place is what you hear in the Holy Spirit. You are saved because He chose you. Honor your salvation by walking in what you hear of Elohim. Christ did not call you to judgment but to grace. We must stand in full assurance of what Christ Yahshua has called us to do. Acts 11:22 “ Then tidings of these things came unto the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem: and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch.” Ous: the faculty of perceiving with the mind, the faculty of understanding and knowledge You must constantly view yourself as YHWH views you. Christ died for you when you were a sinner, so how much more will he keep you once you confess him. Get forgiveness and be renewed. The power of forgiveness is to constantly move forward by faith. When you’re never late for your ministry you walk in a new fame. When you walk in a new fame you walk in a new influence. When you walk in influence your word has power. 2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” knetho: to scratch, to tickle, to make to itch akoe: ears, the sense of hearing, the organ of hearing, the thing heard, report or rumor A time will come when people will receive you just by your presence. That is the testimony of Christ. He was received by his mere presence. He went where he was invited—even in the midst of sinners. Souls flocked to his presence. His presence instigated hope and faith in others. Just by covenant association with him, miracles and wonders occurred in his midst. Once you’re empowered you unleash your greatness. Being empowered is being built up in your holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit. Believing something negative about you deflates you. Believing something positive about you empowers you. Matthew 4:24 “And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.” Fame in this scripture is the same Greek word, akoe. In Romans 10:16 (as report) and Hebrews 4:2 (as heard), the same Greek word, akoe also appears. “But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For YeshaYah saith, YHWH, who hath believed our report?” (Romans 10:16) “For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.” (Hebrews 4:2) When you’re thinking on a worldwide level, you are thinking in greatness. The anointing you respect is the anointing you walk in. Being empowered you are fully aware of who you are. You are built up in wholeness and walk in a sense of urgency to do and become. Get deliverance. When you suffer shame you’re thinking the wrong thing about you. When you receive your Yahly fame, you’re meditating on the good report about you. Depending on where your ear is, you will walk in shame or fame. Build yourself up in the belief that Christ Yahshua will strengthen you in all things. “Save now, I beseech thee, O YHWH: O YHWH, I beseech thee, send now prosperity.” (Psalm 118:25) Yasha: to save, to be saved, to be delivered, to be liberated, to be saved in battle, be victorious, to give victory Tsalach: to rush, to advance, to prosper, to make progress, to succeed, to be profitable, to bring great success, to cause to bring success, to show or experience prosperity What YHWH gives you, if you sow it back upon the altar, He will increase it. Meditate on your wellbeing and prosperity in Christ Yahshua (i.e., tsalach). #Bishop
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 22:45:22 +0000

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