From the earliest days of this presidential administration, it was - TopicsExpress


From the earliest days of this presidential administration, it was clearly established that there would be a left wing-endorsed war against the worker, the middle class and the small business. This rang out loudest when the Commander in Chief smugly scolded small business owners that they did not build their businesses. Somehow the magical hand of the fastest growing centralized tax-and-spend machine dupes us that it is they who work long, tiring seven hour days to make these mom and pop businesses grow wings and fly, not the moms and pops themselves. The opposite is the truth. It has never been more difficult to create and maintain a small business in America, especially if you are a member of the struggling, over-burdened, over-taxed middle class. Not everyone in the US seems to be concerned about the rapid shrinking of the middle class, the lack of small business development at the hands of an overly intrusive, monstrous central (supposed to be federal) government. Many don’t seem to care or even notice that many of their hard-working American neighbors have slipped into less than 40 hour a week jobs because the small companies where they work cannot pay the full-time fees and taxes. Since 2008, median household incomes have dropped from over 55,000 to 51,000, and in places that have lower than the average salaries, the numbers are frightening. In other words, 51,000 dollars would be more than enough to pull their families out of poverty. Now what has the current administration done to cause the demise of the once greatest middle class in the world while India and China compete to grow their middle class at rates higher than the world has ever seen? The Asians, for one, do not award policies of corporate welfare with the tax money of the working class. Also, they do not have overly generous social spending for their working poor. I use the words “working poor” because in the USA because the poor, due to the aid of welfare and other freebies, rarely work, rather they await governmental monetary assistance taxed directly off the backs of the working classes. These dwindling working class numbers continue to shrink, and soon enough they too will need become recipients of what remains of their former peers’ tax dollars. A Brit in Thailand told me once: “Why would I go home and take a worker’s salary and work my arse off when the government dole is more lucrative?” About these corporate deals that our term limitless Congress makes, they are not in the interest of the worker. In fact, the worker in America spends his limited free time enjoying his distractions like American Idol, NFL and other mindless pleasure feeders while 535 Congressmen and women rob him blind making deals with corporations and utilities that ultimately trickle down to bite the blissful, apolitical, apathetic workers on their asses. Chinese frequently ask me why Americans cannot save money, and I always answer, “Because they are taxed, fined and feed beyond their capabilities.” People in China who pay about 8 dollars per month for use of their cell phones mouths drop when they learn about the 2 year contracts and 50 to 100 dollar fees that Americans pay for this service. Who allows such outrageous gouging? Your leaders and their lobbyist pals in DC. Same goes for cable TV over-charges, electricity, gasoline, food and any consumables that come to Americans homes at prices sometimes exceeding over five to ten times their values, but OK’d by the 535 so-called people who are supposed to represent us. Some Americans have slightly higher than median incomes which make them fall into a category called upper middle class. In reality, they are only slightly more comfortable than their financially ailing neighbors. This is the group noticed personally by me on Facebook. This is the group that gets me the most annoyed because they are the ones who are most oblivious to the plight of the American middle class of which they mistakenly believe they are not a part. They snicker and joke about non-issues and often mock the people who suffer at the hands of this corrupt government. They also believe that a continued policy of central planning for the workers and spoils for the higher powers will never come to their doorsteps as it already has to so many people. This is not a new attitude. The mindlessness of the petty bourgeois is as old as humanity. They have slightly more than others and their smugness has no bounds. They are braggadocios, flashy, self-absorbed and if you ask them to fight for the middle class, they refuse because they feel they are not included in this sad lot. They are superior. The middle class in America is done. They have no voice. They are oblivious to their demise. They are not organized as the poor and the giant corporations. No one lobbies for them and they do not lobby for themselves. If they did, they would be a huge force and voice in the nation, but their interests lie in being apolitical and apathetic. No great revolutions in history have ever come from the middle class, and America is another place where it will not happen. Instead, the middle class will fade into obscurity, huge corporations, services and utilities will continue to gouge the little man while 535 so-called public servants will go on lining their pockets with wealth generated from the unholiest of back room deals while we all sit around and argue about the NFL, reality TV, whether gays and lesbians should marry, distractions of racism whether real or not. We will continue to enjoy kitty cat, baby pics and the latest designer microbrews while instead we should all be gathered on the Mall of DC screaming for our rights.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 03:03:07 +0000

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