From the keyboard of Jeff Carey: Jeff on his soap box: March 26, - TopicsExpress


From the keyboard of Jeff Carey: Jeff on his soap box: March 26, 2013 As I was showering this morning my mind wandered (as it often does) and I started thinking about how the left always portrays conservatives as dumb hicks “clinging to our religion and guns”. This led me also to think about how the MSM was so quick to malign Dan Quayle for spelling “potatoe”, W’s made up words like “strategery” or Sarah Palin being able to “see Russia from her back porch”, yet giving leftist pols a free pass for thinking there are “57 states” and other such nonsense. First of all, let’s put the lie to the religion thing. I consider myself as an agnostic and I’ve heard other conservatives call themselves the same thing, some even going so far as admitting they’re atheists. So much for “clinging to religion”. I consider myself a fiscal conservative with quite a few leanings toward the social conservative side. Clinging to religion? Not so much. Clinging to guns? Absolutely! The Second Amendment is the MOST important of all of them, as it gives We the People the stick we need to keep OUR government in line. If we allow the left to take our guns then we move from being citizens to becoming subjects, and we’ve been down that road before. So thanks but no thanks. As far as some lefties thinking the Second Amendment is “out of date” because the government has drones and the NSA and any armed resistance would be extinguished in a NY minute (I’m talking to you Bill Maher and Keith Olbermann), I say BUNK! If you lefties really think that then you’ve learned nothing from history. Guerilla tactics were used in the Revolution and have been used, both by us and against us, in every war since. I’m sure the lefties remember Vietnam as they were all against it. Here was the big bad US of A with our napalm, Agent Orange, B-52s and all sorts of high-tech weaponry, going up against a bunch of rice farmers with Chinese and Russian leftovers. We all know how that turned out. Also look at Russia’s experience (and ours) in Afghanistan. With the numbers of privately-owned guns in this country (I’ve heard estimates as high as 300+ million) and some of them very high tech (anyone watch Sons of Guns?) I would lay odds on The People vs. The Government in any future Revolution, should one occur. Am I advocating an armed insurrection by We the People. Not at this time. But should we be unsuccessful at reestablishing the Constitution and Rule of Law, rather than Rule of Men, it may become necessary. WE own the government, the government does NOT own us. The sooner we (and they) figure this out, the better off we’ll all be. Not looking so “redneck” now, are we?
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 02:35:37 +0000

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