From the moment I found myself knee deep in diaper changes, - TopicsExpress


From the moment I found myself knee deep in diaper changes, midnight feedings, and spit-up Ive dreamed of a day where my son would walk. For some reason, in my mind anyway, this, for me, was Independence Day. No more having to get up off the couch to walk across the room to turn him over so he wasnt face down in his own puke (until hes a teenager). No more carrying him from crib to couch to change table to kitchen table to service all of her needs. No more rolling him back over on to her back to sleep, or on to him front to learn how to crawl, or on to the carpet so she gets better traction. No more being at his beckon call. As if... My friends, the grass is NOT greener on the other side. And as much as you (or I) might have hoped, parenting doesnt get any easier once your child learns to walk- it just gets that much more frustrating. Theres opening doors and closing doors, spills and thrills, falls and chills, bumps and lumps and handfuls of hair pulled out in clumps (yours). They come and they go. Wheres the kid? (your husband asks ). Fd if I know? The cat runs in fear and the dog stays away. I bursts in to tears when you say: how was your day? Theres not a moment of peace from morning til night. And if your turn for a second your kids no where in sight. You cant pick them up cause then they just lose their sh@#- I walky now, so you best deal with it. So you chase them, and catch them, but they roam free again. How many times can a women count to TEN??? They race tward the stairs, screaming: Come Mommy Climb! But, you and I know what goes through your mind. So you block off the hallways, the doors and the drawers. You move the big bookshelves and all that was yours. You make the house safe for children to play, but you still get no peace, cause EVERYTHINGS in their way. You clean up the carnage when each hell day ends, but you know in the morning youll be at it again. So, if I were you, I wouldnt speed up that clock, cause all hell breaks loose when your kid starts to walk.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 21:07:44 +0000

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