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From this post https://facebook/hisroyalslyness.gozaimasustone/posts/824492904257964 - We wrote: The original language was the song of nature with all its sensations inspiring MANS direct-sensory-communication with all of life, the dream of life. With MAN being brought up by nature, all of MAN across Earth could/can talk with all of MAN. There was no break down in communication/comprehension/understanding as we find with alphabet languages (Russian) filtering other alphabet languages (English) or visa versa. The song of nature never required MAN to be educated/instructed into it as it was already built naturally into all of MAN. Every sensory-life-form of nature/earth, inanimate or not, was already singing it. It seems this man-made Magyar language is the closest resemblance to the song of nature. It may have been part of the very early stage of MANS fall from sense into non-sense. Every MAN/sensory-life-form was meant to be unique and original, not one the same as the next, the song of nature expressing and demonstrating all the virtues of love & do no harm never compromised the perfection of MANS uniqueness and originality. It was the intent behind man-made alphabet languages, all rooted in mathematics & geometry/sacred geometry, that corrupted and distorted the uniqueness and originality of MAN & Nature/Earth - enter sameness, uniformity, monotheism, oneness, religion, law, government, myths, gods, etc, etc, etc........ = The System. --------------------------------- Stephen (Gozaimasu HisRoyalslyness Stone) replied Well, the language has traveled down thru history with barely a scratch on it from pure sensory intuition to externalized unwritten spoken language & eventually mapped out to abstract symbol archetype form which intuitively suggested a sound to the voice box & then mapped after that into lettered form. Regardless of how the language eventually became system documented, the original sounds were never altered. Alterations only happened when the old language got reverse polarized into inorganic Romanized modern languages where the original sounds became scrambled & misrepresented as well as an abundance of new artificial non-sense inorganic sounds that rewire the brain differently more into left brain mind intellect construct detached from whole body sensory intelligence that essentially disconnects & unplugs most of our direct intuitive & communicative sense. The good thing is that U can still reverse engineer it back to your own whole centred sense as they are all organic nature sounds. Then U can really sense & know all information properly in all organic living objects as what one does when one chooses to initiate into the dreamtime. I have written plenty in the past on the uniqueness of this spoken language & how it is unlike any other language & far more advanced yet simpler than any of these modern languages. It is predominantly a language of spontaneous motion of present sense rather than a term based inorganic language that needs to be learned in an inorganic artificial systemic modality where none of the sounds nor letter shapes nor the words themselves actually connect to the direct sensory communicative nature sound, colour &/or abstract symbol archetype that be which is of what the word actually is re-presenting. eg. tree: the word/letter symbols alone do not look like a tree, nor sound like one one nor indicate what of the tree is the tree. Once one rediscovers that the original word is actually sound & that sound is the music of creation, then one really will begin to be more of an actual multipolar existential present being instead of ending up as a black & white duality mind divided bipolar human doing lol. -------------------------------- We replied In present-sense, the song of life is the motion of creation in the act of creation..... a sound, a movement, an action,.... the breeze blowing through the trees, the sun glistening from the moisture resting on the leaves, the birds chirping on the branches, the insects crawling up the bark, the rabbit scratching near the tree trunk, etc, etc.... Every natural sound is coming directly from sensory-life-forms, inanimate or not. All the e-motions (e = ecclesiastical = programs/instructions/explanations/education for brain controlled drones/robots/slaves) are non-sensory pictures of non-existent sensory-life-forms unable to create a natural sound/song/action/movement/etc to aid and expand the dream of life in rolling along here and now (so to speak). All e-motions come from duped-MAN, a 3rd party, acting as an impostor of a sensory-life-form..... the daffodil is yellow and does this and that and is part of this and that..... etc. The e-motions (storytelling) are not coming directly from sensory-life-forms. There is no living-sensory-direct-experience here. This is fraud, is lying and is duality being set into motion as a make-believe act of creation without any natural substance interacting with senses (touch, taste, feel, smell, hear, see) to benefit and expand the dream of life (nature/earth/MAN/Reality). All man-made alphabet languages, mathematics, geometry/sacred geometry are e-motions, are man-made con-structs, con-cepts that are explanations about sensory life/life-forms without being life, being sensory-life-forms. They have NO life. The living cant sense them as there is nothing of substance there. They can only be imagined as make-believe. What you say here...... Well, the language has traveled down thru history with barely a scratch on it from pure sensory intuition to externalized unwritten spoken language & eventually mapped out to abstract symbol archetype form which intuitively suggested a sound to the voice box & then mapped after that into lettered form.......... is clearly showing the fraud.because, as soon as we map out a sound, etc, we are acting as impostors of that natural sound. It is no longer a unique original sound/song/motion/etc, unique and original in that unique and original moment/instant. It has been recorded unnaturally and requires re-presentation by a duped-MAN or a lying-MAN and thus is the education/instruction/explanation provided that disconnects believers from direct-sensory-experience in the moment. The victims lost to such make-believe practices are trapped in duality. The explanation has now become The System: that has recorded the sound so that it can be explained. This is the basis of all education = brainwashing/braindirtying. Now we have a world of people lost in explanation, performing the e-motion and unable to have a direct sensory experience with sensory-life-forms, all the while nature/earth keeps creating natural sounds/motions/etc, instant by instant by instant. All those lost to e-motion are disconnected from nature and inevitably to who they really are. All those lost to e-motion have to destroy/harm nature to artificially create the recording of the sounds they are mapping out = libraries, books, digital/electronic recordings, etc. This is all fiction, is anti-life, is doing immense harm and destruction to Nature/Earth/MAN. We also have to destroy the uniqueness and originality of MAN so that duped-fallen-MAN can be trained to be the recorders and regurgitators of the artificially recorded sounds (images/pictures/thoughts). It does not matter how far we go back down the yellow brick road, it still is the recorded yellow brick road leading the duped through fantasyland. To be unique original MAN in present-sense, we have to give up everything of fantasyland (The System) and return to direct-sensory-experience with nature/earth all-around. Being a carbon-copy will never equate to being unique and original, it will never set us free. How can someone elses idea of a freedom be the song of our unique original freedom in present-sense? We cant have a direct sensory experience with someone elses idea of a freedom. We can ONLY experience freedom when we uniquely create and live and be that freedom in present-sense. All those lost in The System of freedom are NOT free. They are trapped in the e-motion of a freedom. This is NOT freedom. Thought alone does not make a unique original MAN. A unique original MAN has to be created and set into motion in present sense to be that unique original MAN in the act of living and being and doing the natural life of the unique original MAN. This is the ONLY way we can avoid committing fraud and lying. If a sound is not coming directly from a sensory life-form of nature/earth/celestial bodies then it is nothing or at best is a duped-fallen-lying-MAN acting as an impostor of that sound, that unique original life of that sensory-living-life-form. From this thread: https://facebook/magda.../posts/10152241266996176... - Lisa Marisa wrote: No its the gnostic elite and pagan Rome and their Jesuit soldiers that are the massive problem oh and not forgetting new age cults... And Rob Fry wrote: Yes Im afraid our elite are gnostic luciferians as were the knights templars. Gnostic luciferianism is what has brought misery and suffering to the world since the time of the templars and the gnostics use lies and pseudoscience to push their new age cult religion to the world. Dont be duped into believing this stuff. We replied.......... The System is a make-believe (storytelling) world of non-sensory-thoughts that are illusory, make-believe pictures/images and we (MAN) have free-will to set them into motion. In The System of non-sensory images MAN is lost performing in the pantomime (storytelling) of non-sensory thoughts projected by others of MAN. Belief is a pantomime. Belief is NOT proof of fact, there is NO direct experience with sensory-living-life-forms of nature/reality going on. Knights Templar is a non-sensory image, Jesuit soldier is a non-sensory image, Rome is a non-sensory image, Gnosticism is a non-sensory image, Luciferianism is a non-sensory image, new age is a non-sensory image, Christianity is a non-sensory image, The Bible is a non-sensory image, a, b, c, 1, 2, 3, compass, square are non-sensory images, etc, etc. Sitting inside Christianity and discussing Luciferianism is acting in one part of the pantomime (storytelling) and discussing another part of the pantomime (storytelling). The System is the pantomime of make-believe set into motion by believers. They are trapped in the prison of The System pantomime by their own belief because they are projecting the non-sensory-images of their belief and giving them power. This is all fantasy, illusion and delusion. Nowhere can you (MAN) go in nature to meet Christian, Luciferian, or Gnostic. All you can find are men and women acting out these non-sensory images under the psychological state of a make-believe pantomime (conflict). The conflict (re-presenting the storytelling) is ALL they have on offer. This shows the depth of the lie and the fraud being committed. Fallen MAN is lost and compelled to perform the conflict of a non-sensory image clashing with another non-sensory-image. A fallen MAN is lost to non-sense, trapped in the hell/chaos of a make-believe (storytelling) pantomime. Non-sensory images cant walk, talk, think, feel, poo, wee, negotiate, contract, contemplate, co-create life, etc, etc. Non-sensory images have no life/free-will/life-force-energy to set their own images into motion. They need duped-MAN to do this. Nothing of nature/reality (the living) needs non-sensory-images to exist so they may exist. Non-sensory-images do nothing to aid Earth/Nature/Life in rolling along here and now. They have no ancestors buried and no children playing. They have no physical/living location/address where you can visit them and be able to sit under a tree to have a bite to eat, a drink and many a laugh with them. Non-Sensory images are dead-corpses requiring the living to perform everything for them. Non-sensory images are Satanic/Freemasonic (MAN-made) in origin*. Fallen-MAN has to destroy/alter sensory-living life-forms to create a physical-material image of a non-sensory-image which will always remain dead. Satanism is the black-magic practiced craft of creating fairytales/fantasies and conning men, women and children into believing they are real and true. This belief leads them to accept the power and authority over them of all the men, women and children, under the costumes and titles of these make-believe characters performed in the fairytale, as being real, true and powerful too. * Copied from here: The System is trauma based and everything of it is reaction to trauma this includes all occults & esoterics such as Astrology, Numerology, alphabets, mathematics, geometry/sacred geometry, English, recorded his-story (history) and all con-structs (Intellectual Property) formed out of them, all of which are derived from black-magic. The whole of the Freemasonic world/orders/etc, is crafted out of storytelling with the intention of conning men, women and children to fall under the spell of their Image Power, their storytelling. As these spells are unnatural images that have no natural home to rest in the dream of life, no natural purpose, they have to be implanted into and maintained in us as alien-prisoners in our bodies where as restless entities (demons) they effect our bodies, our brains, our thoughts, etc, distorting (hijacking/distracting) us from the MAN, the original purpose we are dreamt to be which is for each of us to be original MAN with unique thoughts and dreams that benefit and expand the dream of life. This distortion/corruption is at the heart of all trauma and the Freemasonic/Satanic world practices many rituals to maintain this unnatural state of trauma so that their spells have somewhere to live and have power and control over us so that we worship these non-sensory images at the cost of who we really are and what we are really part of. This is also why the high-priests and high-priestesses of the Freemasonic/Satanic world conduct horrific ritual sacrifices so that we all sense the horror and the trauma through our connections with the water of MANS breath (life/consciousness) and remaining locked in hell (The System) to continue the vicious cycles of our reactions to trauma. Storytelling is the means by which we are persuaded to fall under the spell of Image Power, of other men and women telling us how to think, feel and act so that we set into motion, through belief, faith and associated opinion, the reaction to trauma that are those crafted and practiced thoughts, feelings and actions that they want us to set into motion, thus creating the outcomes intended by the warlocks and witches of this black magic. This is true Satanism at work and this Satanic practice is at the backbone of The System, bound to Freemasonry, which is the circulatory system (The Beast) of The System. The education system was invented to teach us how to understand the spells, want the spells and put all our life energy into their spells thus constructing the beast that is The System through the image power of their spells. The trauma kicks in in early childHOOD, as we teach our children about their world. The world is The System - Earth is not the world. All those who have been educated are the descendants of ancestors who were enslaved by the lackeys under the power and control of the black magic masters of The System of storytelling long ago. Because Freemasonry is heavily rooted in storytelling, it is clearly rooted in Satanism. We say it is one and the same and, the hidden hands behind The System can be seen in plain sight through their storytellers doing their dirty work. We have been sharing this work for the last few years and it has been spreading like hotcakes. We have unraveled the brainwashing methods clearly and the methods expose those responsible. The people are waking up to the deception that has been forced upon them and soon fingers will be pointed at those responsible - be responsible for what you promote, if you dont want the fingers pointing at you! continued......... The reason you were educated is so that you could fall under the spell of non-sensory images and be ruled by the master puppeteers hiding behind the curtains, pulling at your strings of belief. If you have been educated, you have been trained to give all your power away to them. Rob says Dont be duped into believing this stuff - Rob, you have already been duped. And no, we dont ask anyone to believe what we say. Better they use their brains and work things out for themselves using logic and scrutiny. Those who are duped do whatever they can to keep others duped so they can remain duped in the pantomime of their choice.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 12:07:32 +0000

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