Frustrations, unemployment and economic hardship have become the - TopicsExpress


Frustrations, unemployment and economic hardship have become the lot of the Ghanaian Youth under the Mahama led NDC government. The future of the Ghanaian youth has become uncertain. Though some of these may be self-inflicted, majority of them are a result of the insensitivity to their plight by the Mahama/Amissah Arthur led NDC administration. In one of his numerous divisive speeches upon his swearing in on July 24th 2012, John Mahama assured the Youth of this country and indeed all Ghanaians that he being the only President to have been born after Independence, his tenure signified a vote of confidence in the Ghanaian Youth by the older generation. He promised among other things, an era of Pax Romana significantly manifested in the youthful sectors of education, job creation, sports and the economy as a whole. However, contours of John Mahama’s one year in office as a President have completely wiped out any hope for the socio-political and economic restructuring of the Ghanaian society for the benefit of all citizenry. There is widespread dissatisfaction across the land. Indeed the era of the “unprecedented” still lingers on and continues unabated: unprecedented increases in the prices of goods and services, coupled with fuel price hikes, high school fees being charged across all campuses regrettably referred to as ‘campus inflation’, unprecedented non- payment of salaries and salary arrears, labour and civil unrest and protestations, non payment and delay in the release of funds from GETFUND, high levies being charged at our Ports, high tariffs on Utility services, a collapsing school feeding program, taxes on condoms, farm inputs, and last but not the least, unprecedented corruption at GYEEDA. The corruption at GYEEDA as exposed by the committee’s report is symbolic and indeed represents an apt description of the John Mahama Presidency that is, a Presidency that is inexplicably linked with siphoning public funds through cronies and cohorts, an era where unscrupulous characters capitalize on the institutional weaknesses and lack of competent leadership to amass wealth at the expense of the Ghanaian tax payer, an era where unqualified personnel are appointed to man highly responsible positions thereby espousing and gratifying mediocrity. Ironically, the John Mahama tenure, a ‘supposed youthful administration’, has succeeded in collapsing GYEEDA. In demonstrating, his gross incompetence in creating jobs for the people, the least John Mahama could have done was to maintain the jobs that had already been created under the Kufuor/NPP administration. Afterall, it’s said that “s3 w’anya biribi amma w’ase a, y3mmo no koronoo”. The rot at GYEEDA is a clear manifestation that John Mahama does not mean business as far as job creation and corruption are concerned. His Presidency has therefore become a threat the the Ghanaian Youth.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:35:53 +0000

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