#Fukushima Global #Nuclear Fiasco! LET IT NOT BE SAID THAT WE - TopicsExpress


#Fukushima Global #Nuclear Fiasco! LET IT NOT BE SAID THAT WE STILL DID NOTHING! Reuters: #Fukushima Worker Exploitation 60 Dollars a Day, Nowhere Else to Go ex-skf.blogspot/2013/11/reuters-fukushima-worker-exploitation.html via @exskf 100% of all #nuclear plants have problems. Alll nuclear reactors LEAK all the time. Triple #nuclear meltdowns of #Fukushima are problems for 100% of life forms on this planet. Anybody SEEN any of the 7 fuel pools/pits in recent years?! Not a good sign.... March 11, 2011.... the most dangerous moment in this history of humanity... #FUKUSHIMA! Tell your friends and neighbors; your governments already know. Anti-nukers are currently moving a story [nuclear propaganda piece] that the USA might get involved with helping at #Fukushima. IS IT THIS LEVEL OF HELP THEY INTEND TO PARTICIPATE IN MORE FULLY????!!!! READ WATCH AND PONDER..... REMEMBER REMEMBER...... #Fukushima #radiation is everywhere...since March 2011!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@ #Fukushima Global #Nuclear Fiasco! LET IT NOT BE SAID THAT WE STILL DID NOTHING!! LOOK OUT for the lies from the #Nuclear Gravy Trains... more despicable than TEPCO.... just sayin.... #Fukushima #Nuclear #TEPCO #JAPAN #OLYMPICS #EARTH #HUMANITY Alerts! More MOCK AND KILL via the Nukers. LOOK WORLD, LOOK AT THE ATROCITIES BEING COMMITTED WHILE YOU LOOK AWAY!! Remember remember...the #Fukushima radiation is everywhere..... THE MOST DANGEROUS MOMENT IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY WAS MARCH 11, 2011!! The most dangerous moment in the history of humanity: FUKUSHMA: March 11, 2011.... tell your friends and neighbors. Your governments already know!!! #FUKUSHIMA, #AUSCHWITZ, #CHERNOBYL, #HIROSHIMA, #NAGASAKI , #THREE MILE ISLAND, #SONGS #SAN ONOFRE, #HANFORD +++ All #Nuclear Reactors Leak All the time!! Meltdowns do more, much more! 1,946 KNOWN lethal isotopes!!! WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE??!!!!!! *** Reuters: #Fukushima Worker Exploitation 60 Dollars a Day, Nowhere Else to Go ex-skf.blogspot/2013/11/reuters-fukushima-worker-exploitation.html via @exskf History repeating itself??!!! WE DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. See the video of TEPCO WORKERS, being maimed and killed in an apparent extend and pretend program that something is being done while the Nukers continue to TURN PROFITS ON A DEAD PLANET. **** 4 minute video so you can see what time it is??!!! #FUKUSHIMA worker exploitation https://youtube/watch?v=4Z9dW1Tur64 ...The video (dubbed with English subtitles) and the accompanying highly detailed report (both in English and in Japanese) were published on October 25, 2013. Judging from the number of tweets (zero, until I tweeted just now) of the Japanese report, hardly anyone paid any attention in Japan. We knew that. Theres nothing new... And so we continue to leave these workers to their misery while being busy shouting anti-nuclear slogans or praising alternative energy... [Thanks Ex-skf Guy! ex-skf.blogspot/ ] ### THINK LOCALLY. ACT GLOBALLY. OCCUPY VIRTUALLY. WE ARE THE MEDIA NOW.... Then read and share this, TY...... xooxoxox #Fukushima Beyond FB; #Nuclear Meltdowns Since 3.11.11 Hello World! #Fukushima: Truth or Propaganda?!? TRICK OR TREAT? MOCK & KILL? askaboutfukushimanow/2013/10/31/hello-world-fukushima-truth-or-propaganda-trick-or-treat-mock-kill/ ASK ABOUT FUKUSHIMA NOW askaboutfukushimanow/ Tell your friends and tell your neighbors about #Fukushimas global radiation contamination; your governments already know. WE ARE THE MEDIA NOW. ### #Fukushima Equals How Many #Hiroshima Bombs Today, with MORE tomorrow????!!! MORE RADIATION EVERYWHERE TODAY THAN YESTERDAY, LESS THAN TOMORROW!!! *** Fukushima Equals 6,000 Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow. There is No Place On Earth to Escape the Rad ...Question. In basic math terms, in comparison to Hiroshima, how much worse is Fukushima and why?” Answer: Fukushima, now, equals the detonation of 5,910.11 Hiroshima Atomic Bombs or it’s about 6,000 Times worse than the A-Bombing of Japan; and, it is still going strong, with no end in sight. That is equal to 6.45 Hiroshima Atomic Bombs a Day for 916 Days. There are only 336 cities on Earth with more than One Million people. That is the equivalent of 17.5 Hiroshima Atomic Bombs apiece. “Question. In basic math terms, in comparison to Nagasaki, how much worse is Fukushima and why?” Answer. The Nagasaki Bomb was slightly larger; therefore Fukushima equals slightly fewer Nagasaki Bombs. However, at this point, it makes no difference.... Fukushima Equals 6,000 Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow You are going to have to make your own choices. You will live a little longer, or, die sooner by these choices, as will I. No one is exempt... SEE MORE/SHARE MORE: veteranstoday/2013/09/11/fukushima-equals-6000-hiroshima-bombs-today-more-tomorrow/ ### What can YOU do? Tell your friends and neighbors about #Fukushima; your governments already know. What ELSE can you do?? STOP MOVING PRO-NUKER PROPAGANDA!!! It only helps our killers maim and kill us off faster..... Just sayin.... WE ARE THE MEDIA NOW. BE IT.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 22:38:04 +0000

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