Full Moon/Earth Rite If you are inside, you will need a bowl of - TopicsExpress


Full Moon/Earth Rite If you are inside, you will need a bowl of earth or a potted plant. Consecrate the altar, cast the circle. Invocation to the Goddess: Great Goddess Who shines for all Who flows through all Light of the world Maiden, Mother and Crone Many who is One I invite you to my circle Touch me, change me, make me whole. Invocation to the God: Horned One come! Lord of the winds, Lord of the dance Sunchild, winter-born king Guardian of the Gate I invite you to my circle Move me, touch me, change me. Lady of the Moon, lunar Goddess Puller of seas I greet your celestial jewel at the waxing of its power. With a rite in your honour Lady, all names are yours. Aphrodite, Kerridwen, Diana, Isis and many more. With your Lord by your side, I give you due honour and invite you to join me on this, your special night. Earth Meditation: Sitting on the ground, place your hands on the dirt beneath you and visualise the Earth as a bluish-white sphere of energy. Feel your energy moving into the Earth and block out all thought of the ravages to which you have subjected Her. Feel yourself planting spirit roots deep into the Earth, lending Her your energy and strength while drawing energy from her. Picture yourself rooting deep, deep, past the layers of soil and down into the heat and warmth of the inner Earth. Meditate until you feel the strength coursing through you, to and from the Earth. Chant: The Earth is my home, from Her surface I pull food and healing plants, animals graze atop Her, I feel Her strength beneath me. (pause while opening the energy flow) Now give thanks to the Goddess and God for that which sustains. Bread and wine/juice consumed. Closing the circle: Chant: Lord and Lady, thank you for sharing this time with me. My thanks for watching over me, guarding and guiding us. Go if you must, stay if you will, but remember that you are always welcome here. The circle is open yet unbroken. So mote it be. Spirits of the North, East, South, and West, thank you for watching over me. Go if you must, stay if you will, but remember you are always welcome here. The circle is open yet unbroken. So mote it be.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 05:09:29 +0000

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