GB-11 (Tou Qiao Yin) See picture. Location: Posterior to ear - TopicsExpress


GB-11 (Tou Qiao Yin) See picture. Location: Posterior to ear and superior to mastoid process, 2/3 the distance along curve of GB-9 to GB-12. Clears heat and gallbladder damp heat. Headache like a hammer blow, migraine; cerebral congestion, meningitis. Headache pain and stiffness of the neck. Ear pain, deafness, tinnitus. Bitter or disagreeable taste in the mouth, or dry mouth (particularly on waking); nasal abscess; throat inflamed; bleeding tongue. Hot sensations on hands and feet without perspiration; trigeminal neuralgia, spasm of the arms and legs. ------------- GB-12 (Wan Gu) Location: In depression posterior and inferior to mastoid process, (approximately level with GV-16, which is just below the EOP). Calm mind to treat agitation, especially with insomnia; insanity; mania; headaches; seizure. Wind affecting the head. Consider if energy (Wood element) is stuck. Eliminates wind; calms the mind; calms the Spirit; opens the portals, especially the ears. Ear neck and head problems from wind cold or heat; neck pain and stiffness, whiplash; tinnitus, vertigo, dizziness; pain behind the ear, inflammation of the middle ears; headache; jaws clenched, trismus; facial swelling or paralysis; itching, pain, trigeminal neuralgia, facial nerve paralysis, opposite corner of the mouth paralyzed. Aphasia (hypoglossal nerve). Occiput, nape, splenius capitis: spasms, contracture, pain or swelling. Throat pain, tonsillitis; toothache, tooth decay; gum inflammation. Eyes not coordinated, problems with synergy. Atonic lower extremities with inability to walk, drop foot; falling arches. Dark colored urine. -------------- GB-13 (Ben Shen) Location: Within anterior hairline 1/2″, 2/3 of the distance from midline/GV-24 to ST-8, (3″ from midline). The vision which comes from a higher place; the interface of the Spiritual and the practical. Connection with the root of the individual self, integration of wood with the Spirit; cultivation of an outgoing, direct relationship. Liver energy constraint, confusions, jealousy, suspicions and fears. Psychological problems: mania, confusion, obsessive repetitive thoughts, worry, insomnia, schizophrenia, hallucinations. Builds mental and emotional flexibility. Calms the liver and gallbladder; extinguishes wind. Headache, stiff neck and nape, tightness, spasms; lateral costal pain; can neither twist nor bend. Vertigo, eyes dizzy. Convulsions in children; cerebral congestion, infantile epilepsy; epilepsy from fear. Bell’s palsy; twisting of face; forehead headache. --------------- GB-14 (Yang Bai) Location: On pupil line, 1/3 of distance from eyebrow to hairline, (1″ superior to eyebrow). This point is about visions and decisions. Being able to see clearly is essential for right relations with the world we live in. This point can be helpful when a person is muddled and confused, or when they have made a decision and a looking to see the way to make it go through. Connections with the large intestine and stomach are useful in this regard. Eliminates exterior wind; clears heat; removes obstruction from the meridian; Brightens the eyes. Master point eye troubles: pains in the eyes and head, acute pain of the eyeball, pain and itching of the eyes; eyes twitch; eyes red and swollen; eye discharge; conjunctivitis; lacrimation, tearing in the wind; blurred vision, poor vision at night, in darkness or bright light; photophobia; myopia. Facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia; supraorbital neuralgia; facial tics, spasm or paralysis; frontal headache, dizziness. Cold in the back, cannot get warm. Nausea, vomiting. -------------- GB-15 (Tou Lin Qi) Location: On pupil line directly above GB-14, 1/2″ within anterior hairline, midway btw midline (GV-24) and ST-8. Good on the mental level. Patient is uptight and tense in themselves. Fear, grinding of teeth. Clears the brain and brightens the eyes; opens the nose. Headache, visual dizziness, tearing on exposure to wind, nasal congestion. Weakened vision; photophobia; eye pain, congestion of the lateral corner of the cornea, conjunctivitis (cloudiness of the eyes), excess tears; inflammation of the cornea; beginning of cataract; eyes not coordinated (synergistic problems). Sinusitis; nasal congestion, nose blocked. Loss of consciousness due to stroke; epilepsy; apoplexy.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 12:00:07 +0000

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