GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEPMarch 23rd, 2014 QUOTE OF THE - TopicsExpress


GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEPMarch 23rd, 2014 QUOTE OF THE DAY:“SOUND SLEEP IS A FACTOR IN YOUR ABILITY TO FUNCTION” Memory Verse: “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat — for he grants sleep to those he loves” Psalm 127:2. A research report put forward by Harrison and Horne in 1999 asserts that inadequate sleep reduces innovative thinking by 60 percent and flexibility in decision making by 39 percent. According to Genesis 1:4-5, God divided the entire 24hours of day into 12 hours of daytime within which man is expected to work, and another 12 hours of night time when man is expected to rest and sleep. Jesus confirmed and re-established this divine decision in John 9:4. Sleep is a crucial factor in your ability to function. It is food for your brain. You can sacrifice sleep to gain extra time, but ultimately you are sacrificing your ability to function efficiently. Life is challenging, tasking, stressful and highly demanding. These all take their toll on your health. I agree, God Himself knew this, thus he separated working hours from sleeping hours. Nothing refreshes or rejuvenates the body like a sound sleep. Your brain takes rest from active labour only when you sleep. Sleep, especially at night, is therapeutic. I am not undermining those spiritual exercises, like prayer vigil, that need to be done at nights. It is also true that some chief executives work more than 12 hours. However, medically, at a certain age, this is not advisable. How do you feel in the morning when you did not sleep throughout the night? Or when you sleep late? Certainly you cannot be refreshed. Your productivity, efficiency and mental alertness will be far below average. Work while you work. Take your rest in between. Take supper as early as possible, empty your mind of all hangovers, unfinished tasks and depressive thoughts. Go to bed as early as possible. By the time you wake up, your brain and body get refreshed. After all, success in the race of life is neither to the swift nor for the strong, it is just by the grace of God. It is well! DIVINE INSTRUCTION FOR THE DAY MEDITATE ON EXODUS 15:26. AND USE THE REVELATION OF IT TO ADDRESS EVERY DISCOMFORT YOU NOTICE IN YOUR BODY. PROPHETIC PRAYERS Today, I connect to the unending grace of God for wisdom and strength to function in Jesus name. I block every satanic loophole; I crush every ground on which Satan can accuse me. I connect to the grace of God for supernatural refreshment of my spirit, soul and body in Jesus name. FURTHER STUDY: Psalm 127:1-5. Read the Bible through in one year:Ezekiel Chapter 16; Psalm Chapter 68:22-35. Remember to further prophesy on yourself!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 07:43:46 +0000

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