GIVE CEASER WhAT BELONGS TO CEASER!THe History of the WCC is DARK - TopicsExpress


GIVE CEASER WhAT BELONGS TO CEASER!THe History of the WCC is DARK to say the Least!ONE OF THEIR OBJECTIVES REAdS THUS:Build the Framework for Global Control In 1942, six years before the World Council of Churches was formally launched, its organizers within the Federal Council of Churches held a National Study conference at Wesleyan University in Ohio. Among the 30 delegates were 15 bishops, seven seminary presidents, and eight college and university presidents. John Foster Dulles, who later became Secretary of State in the Eisenhower administration, chaired the conference. As head of the Federal Councils inter-Church “Commission to Study the Bases of a Just and Durable Peace,” Dulles submitted the conference report. It recommended: a world government of delegated powers immediate limitations on national sovereignty international control of all armies and navies a universal system of money worldwide freedom of immigration a democratically controlled international bank even distribution of the world’s natural wealth.[15] That was 1942! Soon afterwards, Time magazine wrote a summary of the report. In its statement below, notice these words: “a new order... through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive political revolution.” This solution, “voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy” gives us a glimpse of the true meaning of nice-sounding words such as democracy, volunteerism, participation (involving everyone in the consensus process), partnerships, and civil society: “Some of the conference’s economic opinions were almost as sensational as the extreme internationalism of its political program. It held that a ‘new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative” – a new order that is sure to come either ‘through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive political revolution.’ Without condemning the profit motive as such, it denounced various defects in the profit system for breeding war, demagogues and dictators…. Instead, the church must demand economic arrangements measured by human welfare…”[16] In 1943, John Foster Dulles convened another Council of Churches conference. It endorsed “Six Pillars of Peace,” a plea for a world political organization – a United Nations. In his speech, recorded in the Council’s 1944 Biannual Report.The church must be pure!The church must be distinct!SDA can not afford to be part of this!It was founded on communistic grounds and is imbeded in worldliness.To the care less spectator,there is nothing wrong but to the spiritual eye,there is everything wrong!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 15:18:13 +0000

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