GIVING MICHAEL PACHECO IDEAS FOR HIS LAND STEWARDSHIP July 11 2013 Michael Pacheco the Third Dude, teacher and scientist in Hawaii, Yes Michael, I really like that article you sent me, and as you know, I’ve been talking that way for decades now. All this discriminatory business about who’s religion is right or wrong is as pointless as attempting to spit to the Moon, when we all, religion, politics and all, must live on the community of the planet Earth, all of humankind’s home. Now Michael, you know, it’s a common sense agenda, using a metaphor, ‘when your house is dirty, what do you do? You put on your old work cloths, get rags, mopps, vacuum cleaners, and other cleaning materials, and you get busy, right dude? And if possible, everybody in the house pitches in and help cleans the house – at least in my mothers house that was the policy. Well mother Earth is the house all of us humans share, and if we don’t clean our house, we’ll get in real health trouble as a cause for an effect in the future, living in a dirty house’. I really like that article, no one is bothering with all that business about religious philosophical enlightenment’s, which if such enlightenment’s are not contributing to your keeping your house clean, what good are these academic enlightenment’s, except to inflate ones ultra-ego in megalomania. You know Michael, I do believe there are people in the world who want to be treated like demi-gods, and they’ll destroy the planet Earth in order to feed into they’re mental illness – I know you’ve seen such people Michael, they amaze me to no end such a self centered attitude. Just came from a community ‘Permaculture Meeting for Developing Quality Food in San Francisco’s Tenderloin Area’ (right now the Tenderloin has these tacky stores full with junk food, liquors, and of course dope sold on the corner – well, that act is starting to clear up in the Tenderloin. I want to use the information I collected during the meeting to create a bibliography format outline for a ‘Tenderloin Permaculture Farm’ (basic marketing research in bibliography syllabus format for practical marketing healthy foods for people in San Francisco’s Tenderloin Area). Of course Michael, this is ideology, but, I’ve got to start somewhere, so for now, it’s going to be ideology in bibliography format perspective – then we’ll, meaning Ivan, will take it from there. Of course Michael Pacheco, I would love to live on a ‘Permaculture Farm’ that developed food to be sold in San Francisco’s Tenderloin Area – I’m sure it’s where I belong in the first place, but at least I could do some good on such a farm somewhere outside of the San Francisco Area, near the Bay Area. Michael, some of us simply knows by instinct where we belong as a person. Tina Turner was like that, she simply said, ‘I can sing’, and got up on the stage and proceeded to sing, and sing very well at that. I just think they’re people like that, they simply know by some kind of intuition – well Michael, I don’t belong in any major urban area, I should be growing all kinds of vegetables and other paraphernalia on some farm for a community like the Tenderloin in San Francisco – how socialistic of me. Your Mainland Buddhist Brother, IVAN EDGAR PRATT, Email: prattbuddhahood@gmail July 11, 2013 NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO,
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 02:46:29 +0000

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