GOD IS WAITING “ ‘Though the mountains be shaken and the - TopicsExpress


GOD IS WAITING “ ‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed’ “ Isaiah 54:10 Day by day, faithful literature evangelists around the world ask the Lord to prepare the way before them as they go about their work of searching for souls. There is a very serious and sacred work that should not be taken lightly, because they are facing the enemy of souls every day of their lives. Marius Pelser, while canvassing just outside Johannesburg, South Africa one morning received a distinct impression: “Go to the end house on the street.” This was not where he planned to go, but he already learned that when the Holy Spirit impresses you to go somewhere, you do not hesitate but go. He drove up to this house where he met Mr Oosthuizen, who was sitting in a wheelchair. After talking to him and his wife for a while and establishing good contact, they realized that Marius was a Christian worker and he was interested in their spiritual welfare. It was very obvious these people had gone through a difficult time in their lives. Marius was eagerly waiting to hear the story. Mr Oosthuizen told him the following story: “More than four years ago, I heard the message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I was convinced it was God’s true message, but I resisted and tried to forget it. I decided not to follow the Lord’s leading in my life but to continue living as I did before. “Several months later, something happened, and I became paralyzed and have been confined to this wheelchair ever since. In the past four years, I’ve visited the best doctors and faith healers from different churches, but all in vain. I have spent all my savings, because I desperately wanted to be healed. But there was nothing anyone could do for me.” Marius then told them about his distinct impression to visit them that morning. He encouraged them to put their full trust in the Lord. He suggested they talk to God about the matter, and bowing their heads together, he prayed a simple but earnest prayer right there. Minutes later, before his astonished wife, Mr Oosthuizen got up of this wheelchair and walked normally for the first time in four years! They are now enjoying our literature and receiving Bible studies before joining the church. The news of this healing has caused other families in the area who were previously prejudiced also to accept our books in their homes. Can anybody ever say this was not a miracle for the Master? Only our loving Father in heaven could do a wonderful thing like this. He is prepared to do far more through us if we would just be willing to be used by Him. Today we pray for all literature evangelists in South Africa who are faithfully working for God, quite often under difficult and dangerous circumstances. Miracles of Grace
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 03:49:14 +0000

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