GOOD SATURDAY MORNING, EVERYONE!!! THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE! LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT! **********TODAYS GOSPEL *********** Mk 3:20-21 Jesus came with his disciples into the house. Again the crowd gathered, making it impossible for them even to eat. When his relatives heard of this they set out to seize him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.” ********** ●●●●●Is the Lord Jesus honored in your home? Why would Jesus relatives be so upset with him when he began his public ministry? On one occasion Jesus remarked that a mans enemies will be the members of his own household (Matthew 10:36). The Gospel of Mark records the reaction of Jesus relatives when he went home: they came to seize him. They, no doubt, thought that Jesus must have gone mad or become a religious fanatic. How could a good home-body from Nazareth leave his carpentry trade and go off to become a traveling preacher? To their way of thinking, Jesus had thrown away the security and safety of a quiet and respectable life close to his family and relatives. Jesus probably expected to meet opposition from the highest religious authorities in Jerusalem. For him to meet opposition from his own relatives must have been even harder. When we choose to be disciples of the Lord Jesus and to follow his will for our lives, we can expect to meet opposition from those who are opposed to the Gospel message and Christian way of life. But the hardest opposition may actually come from someone close to us, a family member or close friend who doesnt want us to take the Gospel message too seriously. Jesus met opposition - whether from family, friend, or foe - with grace and determination to fulfill his Fathers will. Are you ready to obey and follow the Lord Jesus even if others oppose your doing so? Lord Jesus, may I always put you first and find joy in doing your will. May your love and charity grow in me, especially in the face of opposition and adversity. (Reflection from Laudeate) We pray that everyone be safe as they travel the roads to day to go to work, and other weekend activities...that all road rage be eliminated. BE SURE TO STAY WARM AND DRY!!! KEEP ALERT FOR OTHER VEHICLES AND PEDESTRIANS! Whenever you can, give a smile to someone, and wish them a Good Morning!...a little kindness goes a long way!●●●●● Thank You Lord, for giving me another day to love and serve You. Beginning my daily Rosary and prayers...Joyful Mysteries. PRAYER INTENTIONS, ANYONE? I will lift them up during my Rosary and throughout the day as I receive them. If you do not have an intention for today, but are Liking this post, know that I am saying a quick prayer for you as well as I see your names. ■■■■■If you see someone else asking for prayer throughout the day in the Comment section of this post, be sure to Like their comment as well. It isnt necessary that you know this person. This gesture simply shows that you stand with them in prayer, and that strengthens our bond as a community.■■■■■ You will see my prayer posted for ALL the Likes on the Comment section below todays post. Please read it aloud and know that I am praying it with you! I continue to ask for your prayers for good health and Gods protection for me and my family as well, as I continue this prayer ministry REMEMBER.... PLEASE PRAY for the people who post their petitions to THIS prayer post, EVEN if you do not know them...We draw strength from God when we pray for each other...thats HIS promise! WE ARE UNIFIED AND STRENGTHENED BY PRAYER! To God be the Glory! Blessings and peace! Have an awesome day, everyone! PLEASE SHARE THIS POST WITH OTHERS...AS OUR PRAYER COMMUNITY GROWS, SO WILL OUR STRENGTH IN THE LORD INCREASE! MAY THE LORD BE BORN AGAIN IN OUR HEARTS TODAY AND EVERYDAY HEREAFTER! MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT FILL OUR HEARTS WITH UNIMAGINEABLE PEACE AND RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH! ☆☆☆☆☆I ENCOURAGE YOU TO PRAY THE ROSARY EVERYDAY! IT IS A POWERFUL WEAPON AGAINST EVIL!☆☆☆☆☆ LOVE, BLESSINGS, AND GODS PEACE TO ALL...FRANK.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 06:57:19 +0000

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