GOOD vs BAD BACTERIA Did you know that the human body is home - TopicsExpress


GOOD vs BAD BACTERIA Did you know that the human body is home to about one hundred trillion bacteria? Also, there are both good and bad types of bacteria in the human body with the break down being approximately in a ratio of 85% good:15% bad. Now you may be wondering why you need these “good bacteria” in your system, right? Well, we live in a world where there are bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that attack our immune system on a regular basis. Our bodies need good bacteria to function properly. Good bacteria are one of your best lines of defense! Since the gut is the largest immune system organ, you want to feed it what it needs to do the best job it can for you. For those people with intestinal issues and stomach discomfort, these problems are often attributed to a disproportionate number of bad bacteria in their intestines. Benefits of Good Bacteria Some of the benefits of these Good bacteria are: Help regulate the pH balance in the stomach Digest and absorb certain carbohydrates for energy Keep bad bacteria under control Help prevent allergies Enhance the immune barrier of the gut lining Inhibit the growth of yeast Help reduce the severity of inflammatory conditions such as colitis and possibly alleviate irritable bowel syndrome. The foods we eat and what we drink affect the ratio of good and bad bacteria. Most of us are guilty of eating foods high in sugar, highly processed foods and fast foods with little or no nutritional value. These foods feed the bad bacteria and kill off the good ones. By choosing healthier foods and drinks we can maintain a healthy set of bowels. Fruits and Vegetable are rich in Vitamins eat them always.... Fermented foods are rich in these probiotics
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 07:42:48 +0000

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