GOODNEWS TODAY -by-Prince Ubi - DAILY BIBLE STUDY: REVELATION 6 FOCAL SCRIPTURE: Revelation 6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? Please I must insist again today that for you to really understand the messages in the book of revelation you must be reading the scriptures first. In order to make things easier in case you dont have a copy of the bible at hand, I have published todays scripture on my face book page please read it before you proceed. Our study of chapter 6 today is showing the beginning of the of Gods judgement over the earth. Remember I told you yesterday that the rapture of the church is to take place at chapter five of the book, contrary to the teaching that showed that it will be at chapter 21&22. Let me carefully explain to you how events are to unfold themselves from now: Im sure you believe that the church will be taken out of this world very soon, which is the traditional believe of the church call rapture. That incident will have taken place in chapter five of revelation where the saint joined the heavenly worship. Then the seven seals of the book are the judgement that will come upon the world after the church has departed. After the rapture of the church events on earth will still be going on normally, because many wont know what actually occurred exception of the fact that people will be declared missing and the terrible things that will be reported all over the world. Imagine a pilot being rapture while flying, or driver while driving. The day after rapture will be filled with such events, but because of the world news people will resume work normally as if nothing has happened. As people will be wondering about the event, the anti-Christ who at this time is one of the most respected personality on earth, prepared to rule the entire world will announce on international news that everyone should go about their duties normally, then he will look for a name and attach to the incident and the whole world will believe him. He will become the world president who will rule the entire world, he will introduce a mark for those who are to buy and sell. The believers who will not be part of the rapture will then remember the bible teachings that rapture has taken place and as such will refuse the mark of the beast. These are the ones that are described in verses 9-11. Since they couldnt join the rapture they have to pay with their blood. The trial of those days will be so terrible that scarcely will anyone be save. Please prepare for the rapture today so that youll not be left behind to face the tribulations that is coming upon the world. Jesus loves you and suffered for you receive him today and live for him. DECLARATION: Father! Thank you for giving me your son Jesus As saviour and Lord Forgive me all my sins I accept Jesus as my Lord Prepare me for your coming In Jesus name. Amen
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 04:36:25 +0000

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