GOODWILL AMBASSADOR GODFREY MADARAKA CALLS ON TANZANIANS TO SUPPORT DOMESTIC TOURISM” By Onesmo Alfred McBride Ngowi Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, the land of Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar, Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Selous…..”The Goodwill Ambassador” for Sports Tourism Godfrey Madaraka Nyerere has called upon Tanzanians to seriously and massively take part in the domestic tourism saying that this would contribute towards the growth of the tourism sector. He made the call at the offices of the IBF Africa, Middle East & Persian Gulf during the grand ceremony of his anointment as the Goodwill Ambassador for Sports Tourism. He said that Tanzania have the capacity to contribute to the growth of the domestic tourism and encourage schools to add tourism subject in their curriculum. Tanzanians youth should be taught the benefits of tourism in their schools. This will develop their interests to share and contribute to the domestic tourism. When this happen, the country would create great income from tourism sector said Godfrey Madaraka who is the youngest son of the father of our Nation, Mwl. Julius Kambarage Nyerere. It is high time that Tanzanians think of tourism as the sector that belongs to everybody and not just foreigners said Madaraka who has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro 9 times. Tanzanian tourism has a potential to grow if all Tanzanians would take part in the tourism sector like what other people do in their countries. We need go by the saying that Charity begin at Home before we look outside the country concluded Godrfey Madaraka who may attempt to climb the mountain to be his 10th times before the end of the year! Ambassador Godfrey Madaraka Nyerere was anointed the “Goodwill Ambassador” of “Sports Tourism” by the IBF Africa, Middle East & Persian Gulf in October 20th during a grand reception held in their offices located at the Benjamin William Mkapa Pension Towers in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. The reception was attended by both foreign and domestic dignitaries including Mr. Perdo Figueiredo from Portugal who manages projects under the Proud African company part of the GVPedia. Also present was Ms. Alilya Clement Kwayu, the Marketing Director of the major Tanzanian Insurance Company the “BUMACO” with offices and brokers / agents all over East Africa and the Executive Director of Dar based WOGMEDIA, the LiveSteam Company to mention but few! The Role as the “Goodwill Ambassador” for Sports Tourism would elevate Godfrey Madaraka into a great “Public Figure” who would be called upon to speak on societal matters pertaining to the development of “Sports Tourism” as a “niche” to develop the “Mainstream Tourism”. This is the permanent role that require the person of a good standing, good manners and illustrious! They call it Africa! We call it Home! Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Emailing list and our website to know more about the development of Sports Tourism as a Niche” for the mainstream tourism!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:07:35 +0000

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