GRANT AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Special Prayer List for Kingdom Needs - TopicsExpress


GRANT AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Special Prayer List for Kingdom Needs within our local church! 1) PASTORAL STAFF You should pray daily for Pastor David and Pastor Joe. Pray for their health, their families, and most importantly --their spiritual walk. Pray that God would give them wisdom for planning and leading God’s people in this place. Sometimes, when you feel that their preaching has lost some of its power you should ask God to refresh them with His Holy Spirit. 2) SPANISH MINISTRY For twelve years we had a burden for Spanish speaking people in our local community. We knew they were here because we saw them at the local stores, garage sales, and other activities. God led our church to call Pastor Joe Quijano. Pastor Joe has worked diligently to grow this ministry, but from the start it has been a challenge. You should pray daily for God to help us to reach Spanish speaking people in this local community. 3) COMMUNITY OUTREACH/ EVANGELISM God placed our church in this community for a greater purpose than to be close to the beach. God placed us in this community because this community, more than ever before, really needs to hear the gospel. We cannot expect people to just come into God’s house without an invitation. Therefore we must go forth into this community, meet the people of this community, show them a kind smile, and at the very least invite them to church. Also, we need to be prepared to share the gospel with those who don’t know Christ. This doesn’t always present itself easily or quickly, but our church needs to expand our evangelism training, emphasize individual witnessing, and then work to encourage our people to be “fishers of men.” You should pray daily about our church seeking to reach others for Christ. 4) CHILDREN’s MINISTRY If a church wants to reach families then it must provide a quality children’s ministry. Our children’s ministry is better than it once was and we are grateful for Shannon’s work, but we need to view this as a beginning point, not a solution. Pray daily for the Lord to expand our children’s ministry and to bring us to the point where we have a children’s Sunday School class. Pray for the Lord to bring children into our church to participate in our children’s ministry. (guess what comes after that-- they will soon be teenagers and that ministry will need to be expanded) For now, however, we need your daily prayers for Shannon and the children’s ministry. 5) MUSIC MINISTRY/WORSHIP TEAM We have a good music ministry. The goal of our worship team is not to perform for the church but to lead the church in substantive worship. Sometimes the difficulty is engaging God’s people because the style is new, the song is new, or simply because the words printed in the bulletin are not presented in the correct order, etc. Pray for God to lead the worship team in the selection of music that will help the congregation reflect on the power, wisdom, love, and grace of God. Pray for their implementation of new music. Pray for them to maintain a love of the great hymns even while introducing newer songs. Pray diligently that you will be prepared to allow them to lead you in worship. Not only should you pray daily for this ministry, but you should also pray when you enter the chapel on Sunday Morning asking God to assist you in participating in making a sweet sound to the Lord. 6) BAPTISMAL GOAL\DISCIPLESHIP Our church established a goal of baptizing twelve new believers by next September. Thus far, we have baptized six. However, most of these six new believers are not being engaged in regular Bible study in order to lead them to walk in God’s ways. Members should pray for God to lead more new believers to make a full commitment through the baptistry and into the church. We also should ask the Lord to help us engage these members. 7) WORKERS God has blessed us by bringing us a few workers and these workers were able to take some of the load off of other members. However, there are so many tasks to be done, so much is at stake-- we need to plead with our Lord to provide workers for every ministry of the church. We need workers to be involved in our community outreach. We need workers for children’s ministry and we can also use more musicians and singers in our worship team. We need workers to help with potlucks and cleanup days. We need to make certain that we don’t have 20% of God’s people doing 80% of God’s work. Pray daily for the Lord to send us workers that are competent, committed to Christ’s kingdom, and walking daily with the Lord. We need workers. Have you asked God for them? When God’s people pray for the REAL needs of God’s church-- they begin to capture the vision for what God really wants to accomplish. If just five or ten people add these needs to their prayer list and apply it in their private time with God as well as their public prayers in the church-- God will do great things. If fifteen people were to regularly pray for these needs then God would do MIGHTY things. If twenty people were to consistently, regularly pray for these needs then God would be moved to do MIRACULOUS things.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 03:02:11 +0000

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