GREETINGS: VARIOUS WAYS TO SAY “HELLO” I have been looking - TopicsExpress


GREETINGS: VARIOUS WAYS TO SAY “HELLO” I have been looking up words that mean the same as “Hello”, with the main objective of avoiding saying this classic one. We are in a global world and the way of communication has changed, so now we need to be different at the moment of speaking. “Hello” is not going to be the property word in every situation so I have divided these greetings to you, in order you to be easy to identify them and then to apply them. If I were you, I would write down some of these greetings. Try to learn them by heart and please practice them! I consider, it´ll be useful for you. Remember, this is your website and my main goal as an English teacher is to solve your doubts. Write here whatever you want to know or send me an email: allan-ses@outlook Don´t forget everywhere, whenever and whatever you do IMPROVISE, ADAPT AND OVERCOME! HELLO When we first meet someone, whether it is a person we know or someone we are meeting for the first time we will normally use a simple sentence, a greeting, it is a friendly way of opening a conversation or a way of letting the other person know that we have seen them. There are many ways to say hello. “Hello” “Hi here” “Hello there” “Hey, how are you doing?” “What’s up?” “We sometimes use a double greeting …” “Hi there, hey how are you doing?” “Hello, how have you been?” “It’s good to see you, how’s life been treating you?” If you are meeting someone for the first time, you can say: “Good to meet you” “It’s nice to meet you” “Good to meet you” “It’s nice to meet you” “I’m pleased to meet you” “Good to meet you” “It’s nice to meet you” “I’m pleased to meet you” “It’s a pleasure to meet you” These sentences are often used after the other person has been introduced to you If you are meeting someone you have not seen or heard from for a long time, then you can show a real surprise and shock: “Oh my God, it’s you!” “Aahh, where have you been?” “My goodness, long time no speak” “Wow, it’s so good to see you again” “Is it really you? When did we last meet?” “Wow, as I live and breathe, it’s my best friend from school” If you are in a hurry in which to make your greeting. “Hi, sorry. I can’t stop” “Oh hi there, look I’m a bit pushed for time …” “Hi, sorry. I can’t stop” “Hello there, look I’m on my way to work …” “Maybe catch up with you again soon” “Hey’ I would love to stop and chat … but I really have to dash” This type or greeting is common these days because we are all in such a big hurry to get some place … We sometimes use the word “hello” as a way of showing surprise or as a way of expressing a sudden interest in something. “Hello, what’s going on here?” “Hello, I did not know he had a girlfriend” “Hello, what’s going on over there?” “Hello, sometthing is wrong here …” “… he took my money!” In the UK, people will often greet each other by talking about the weather. “Hello, isn’t it a lovely day?” “Hello. what about this terrible weather?” “Hello, did you hear the storm last night?” In many countries people will ask abut the family. “Hello, how’s the family.” “Hello, how’s your wife doing?” “Hello, how are the kids?” In China, people often greet each other by asking if they have eaten their lunch or dinner or ask them where they are going. The word “hello” can also be used informally as a way of expressing sarcasm or annoyance. “Hello, did you understand what I said?” “Hello, was that too difficult for you to read?” “Hello, did you see me waving at you?” “Hello, do you not recognise me?” “Hello, what time do you call this? You are late!” Parting is such sweet sorrow. That I shall say goodnight, till it be morrow” That’s Shakespeare, that is. Saying Goodbye. There are many ways to say goodbye. “Bye” “Bye for now” “Bye-bye” “See ya” “So long” “Ciao” “Later” “Cheerio” “See you around” “Farewell” “Ta-ra” “See you again” “Ta-ta for now” “catch you later” “Goodbye Remember, this is your website and my main goal as an English teacher is to solve your doubts. Write here whatever you want to know or send me an email: allan-ses@outlook
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 06:18:12 +0000

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