Gaddafi was a wise, intelligent, great man. You read that right - TopicsExpress


Gaddafi was a wise, intelligent, great man. You read that right and Im not being sarcastic either. Its the truth for once in opposition of the lies youve been told by the c.i.a. controlled media which is by their own words run to misinform the U.S. citizens and by our leaders who represent the globalist elite. Also this video is exactly what Ive been saying about our enslavement and debt that started with world war 1 from this video Ive posted before... Watch on YouTube The History Not Taught In Common Core: The privately owned federal reserve, c.i.a., swiss and the newer branch of theirs the zionist fake jews (not talking about the real Jews, anyone can claim or pretend to be something they are not) global banking elites referred to as the new world order taking our money and then loaning it back to us at a fee when we want to spend it. Since world war 1 they have been tricking the American ignorant into going to war over made up lies so they can fund the U.S. and make us in debt and enslaved to them. They also commonly fund both sides. Hitler was funded, propped up, and put into power so they could also fund and endebt the allied nations. Through the c.i.a. they fund and put into power c.i.a. assets like Saddam Hussein, osama bin laden and some of the 9-11 hijackers, etc... I theorized that if the U.S. and other countries were never put in debt, never had the federal reserve, never had the c.i.a. we and other countries would be a wealthy utopia. I half jokingly said every American citizen would have 5 cars, there would be limited wars if any, etc... I was very close. Libyan government or Gaddafi, bought their citizens houses, they believed home ownership is a human right. It says they paid half the amount of your vehicle. Free and actually good healthcare. Free college education I think it said, if not there are several countries that actually do this. Gas costs 14 cents a gallon. All loans have no interest rates. Etc... Wake up my fellow American slaves! They are now pushing us into world war 3 against the Russians and china because they too dont want a central bank taking their money and controlling them as a part of the BRICS nations. That is why the U.S. is being so hostile towards them and making up lies to try to get us to war with them. lies like they shot down that malaysian plane when we are the ones that probably told ukraine to shoot it down so we could blame it on Russia. Thankfully the truth got out and showed how pathetic the U.S. government is trying to please their slave masters the n.w.o. That was pathetically appalling of us since all evidence pointed to ukraine since day one but the U.S. kept pushing it. And then I think it was lurchs cousin john kerry that said if russia shot it down there would be hell to pay? Why? What if it was ukraine? Thats ok? What about the previous passenger airline that ukraine shot down? Thats ok too? Sure can tell who he represents, not the American people but the rich globalist elite bankers like the majority of politicians ever since world war 1.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 10:04:46 +0000

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