Gal 3:26-28: For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ - TopicsExpress


Gal 3:26-28: For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Any barrier that stands between two persons in Yeshua comes from the flesh, from carnal feelings which fight things of the Spirit and which can be an obstacle to Gods plan for our destiny, sometimes we barricade ourselves with our principles, logic and customs that separate us from each other and end up creating mistrust and contempt for others, and without realizing it we violate the law of YHWH that says: YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOU. IT IS NOT NORMAL CHILDREN OF THE SAME FATHER TO DISCLAIM! NO! IS NOT THAT THE NEW BIRTH. Beloved, our faith needs nourishment so that we can achieve the fullness of Christ (Mashiach). The Pharisees were highly educated in the Torah, but they missed the essentials (love for neighbor) and unfortunately there are Pharisees in the body of christ (Christ) and it is very sad! The body of Christ is not a denomination, but a grouping of persons of all origins was baptize (by immersion=biblical baptism)in Yeshua instructed according to biblical doctrine and received the Spirit of the Living God. IF YOU WANT LOVE YOUR BROTHER OR SISTER IN YESHUA YOU CAN, WITH THE HELP OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS SUFFICIENT TO REQUEST GOD TO TRANSFORM YOU AND YOU WILL SEE THAT HE WILL BREAK ALL YOUR LOGIC AND YOU WILL BE LIBERATED. LETS WORK TO OUR SALVATION SHALOM!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:26:49 +0000

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