Genesis chapters 1-3 is some really good stuff to cover. Here are - TopicsExpress


Genesis chapters 1-3 is some really good stuff to cover. Here are some of my own selah. First of all we must understand that the battle isnt against flesh and blood. Our strand of DNA and the eyeball is enough to tell me that we were all fearfully and wonderfully made, knitted together even while in our mothers womb and even before that the prophet Jeremiah reveals to us that He Knew You! The bible says that God even knows the number of hairs on your head. Thats beautiful. Snakes may have slithered in at some point in our lives and lied to us and tried to usurp Our Elohim (Our Creator.) This is true as this is what snakes do. They trick you and try and deceive you and try to get you to question the ones who really love you (or in Adam and Eves case The One who really Loved them.) It wasnt until Adam and Eve began listening to the snake and disobeyed God that they felt ashamed and felt as if they had to hide from him. God came into the garden and called out to Adam Where are You? At that point he was no longer with or running too meet God. They were hiding from him. God yelled out and Adam finally answered and said I was hiding because I heard you and I was naked and afraid. God said Who told you you were naked? We have a case in point where Satan told children of God that they were something other than what they really were. Loved and cherished by their Father. They were still flesh and bone and just as we still do they had blood flowing through their veins..... and they were beautiful and they were loved by God and they were given a good work and a pretty awesome commission... Unfortunately, by turning to the lies of the snake they had now lost their right to be in that sweet, unafraid fellowship with God, the good work they had been given and forfeited their right to eat from the tree of life that was to give them life. I believe that if they had partook of that life that their Body, Soul and Spiritual Life would have been eternally well here on earth... Instead they listened to The Snake and thus a withering lifespan of sin and death for many ever since... To me... Jesuss time alone with The Father in The garden of Gethsemane before his hard path to be crucified between two more trees outside that garden on the hill of Golgotha represents that tree of Life again being offered to all even those who had previously been banished (which would have been us all). The Life he gave, The Spirit of God in the flesh hanging there on that tree between two thieves, one who believed Jesus and another who did not while Jesus in essence says forgive them all. Even the one who just stuck this spear in my side and the ones who drove these nails in my hands and feet. Jesus says Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. This Forgiveness. This Powerful Forgiveness not only restored us to the promise of eternal life with God in his good graces but as well established a New Covenant that was made with man that day and The Promise of The Holy Spirit that up ti that point had only been with them now available to be poured out lavishly into them all that would believe... The Holy Spirit that inhabits us all as believers like sap in our veins that bare unto and in and through us the fruits of the Spirit of God. When offered and partook of... The Spirit nourishes our own lives with his and ours unto others just like that tree of life in the garden was intended to do. My favorite passages in all of the 66 books are John chapters 14,15,16 and 17 and in Chapter 15 Jesus says to his disciples that He was the Vine and that we are the branches... and when we follow the family tree We all have one Father and creator. The real question his who are we believing? The One who really loves us or the snakes trying to get you to question his love for you? When we partake of Jesus we are not only renewing our (often lied too) minds and restoring our (many times deeply) wounded souls. We are literally receiving a divine blood transfusion that gives New Life to the new creatures we are in Christ. Jesus has a way to touch, heal and recreate everything about us once we are his and we have come to know that he is in us... Even Now, New Blood! The Blood of Christ! I believe this... like sap in our veins baring the fruits that bring us and others who are partakers of The life of Christ New Life! Now my question to us all (including myself) is the same God had for Adam in the garden....... Where are You? are you hiding from God and if so...why? Who lied to you about about you. Did someone tell you that you were naked? I find this verse 21 in Genesis chapter 3 so beautiful. Even after knowing they had done wrong The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. ~ Genesis 3:21 He covered them. Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. ~ 1st Thessalonians 5:2
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:31:25 +0000

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