George H.W. Bush’s Bogus FBI Alibi – the Parrott Memo The - TopicsExpress


George H.W. Bush’s Bogus FBI Alibi – the Parrott Memo The next we hear of George H.W. Bush, on 11/22/63, is from an FBI memo that Bush supposedly called in to SAC Graham W. Kitchel of the FBI in Houston at 1:45 pm. Apparently Bush, having been cut loose from his anonymous interrogation at the Dallas Sheriff’s office, was establishing a phony alibi saying he recalled hearing, in recent weeks, a James Parrott talking of killing the President when he came to Houston. Shortly after Bush made this call, FBI agents were dispatched to the Parrot house. In another FBI memo Parrot’s mother said James, who was not home when the FBI arrived, had been home all day helping her care for her son Gary. Mrs. Parrot advised that shortly after 1 pm a Mr. Reynolds came by and talked to her son about painting some signs at Republican Headquarters on Waugh Drive. The net effect was Kerney Reynold’s, George Bush’s assistant, gave Parrot an alibi and Parrot was Bush’s alibi; everyone’s ass was covered. A bogus phone call reporting a would-be assassin who was one of Bush’s Republican Party sign-painters; who himself is also freed by an alibi from one of Bush’s buddies, really doesn’t cut it; this is textbook CIA alibi BS 101. This type of stuff cannot be allowed to stand in history; if Bush was so concerned about his sign painter, why didn’t he call in to alert the FBI before President Kennedy came to Dallas? Bush has handed us his head on a silver platter with this memo; that’s why he always said he didn’t remember what his was doing on 11/22/63, he was hoping this incredibly stupid memo never surfaced. Bush was worried he had been seen and he panicked and stupidly called the FBI, thinking he was being clever by providing evidence that it wasn’t him that was arrested in front of the Dal-Tex building that day. It seemed like a good idea, at the time, but Bush was actually creating a permanent record of his involvement. The memo identifies Bush as an oil man from Houston placing a long distance call from Tyler, Texas. Bush was trying to establish he was not in Dallas during, or shortly after, the assassination. He must had been worried someone would identify him as the oil man detained running out of the Dal-Tex building and being ushered in and out of the Dallas Sheriff’s office. 5 This FBI memo, dated 11/22/63, states Bush called from Tyler, Texas but there was no proof he was actually there. For over 20 years after the assassination Bush said he did not remember where he actually was when the assassination occurred 11/22/63 at 12:30 pm; this FBI memo fails to provide an answer to where George Bush actually was. The memo does tell us the first moment Bush was free to create a phony alibi was at 1:45 pm. Bush was staying in downtown Dallas, at the Sheraton Hotel, just few blocks from Dealey Plaza, and he’s trying to tell us he was in Tyler, Texas at 1:45 pm. George Bush’s CIA assignment was obviously in Dallas, that’s why he was staying there, what would he have been doing in Tyler? JFK had just been shot at 12:30 pm; would George Bush not have been in Dallas at 12:30 pm also, like everyone else, and presumably the reason for him having been in town at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel? Would Bush not have driven down the road, to Parkland Hospital, to check on the President’s condition; like everyone else? Oh, that’s right, I forgot, Bush was being interrogated at the Sheriff’s office. George H.W. Bush should be charged with treason- his alibis for the indelible and horrific November 22, 1963 are no good. An FBI memo of a call from Tyler Texas does not prove anything; except that he concocted a textbook CIA alibi; he is a liar and an accessory to JFKs murder. Bush maintained for over twenty years after the assassination that he simply did not remember what he was doing at the time of the assassination. As a matter of fact, he had no explanation even in his autobiography and then all of the sudden he concocted a story that he was speaking in Tyler Texas to the Rotary Club. Aubrey Irby said Bush was speaking when the bellhop came over and informed Aubrey that JFK was dead. Mr. Aubrey passed the info on to Mr. Wendell Cherry Irby, who passed it onto Bush, who stopped his speech. Irby says that Bush explained he thought a political speech was inappropriate and so he sat down. It is inconceivable that George Bush could not have remembered this event for over twenty years. Walter Cronkite’s announcement to the world that JFK was dead came on TV at 1:38 pm. Do you really think Bush was making a speech at that time, in Tyler Texas to the Rotary Club, after the President and Governor Connolly were known to have been shot at 12:30 pm? President Kennedy had been scheduled to give a speech during the luncheon, at the Dallas Trade Mart, after he had passed through Dealey Plaza. Anybody who was anybody, around Dallas, was going to attend that speech, and after JFK was shot most rushed to Parkland Hospital to find out the latest news concerning the gravely wounded President and Governor. A speech being given, in Tyler Texas, inside a building owned by Republican right wingers, to a group of JFK haters hardly qualities as evidence George H.W. Bush was not in Dallas, on assignment for the CIA, supervising the Dal-Tex hit team in Dealey plaza; as any rational thinking person knows is the inevitable conclusion. Another thing that occurs to me, concerning the alibi CIA George H.W. Bush called in the afternoon of November 22 after JFK was killed. Bushs FBI SA buddy Graham Kitchel wrote the memo stating George Bush said James Parrot had been talking of killing the President when he came to Houston. Well, JFKs parade through Houston had already happened on November 21 (THE PREVIOUS DAY); so, its really ridiculous when you consider Bush did not call this into the FBI the day beforehand, when it could have actually been helpful in averting an assassination by George Bush’s employee, James Parrot, as JFK paraded through Houston – Parrot’s hometown, on the prior day. So, in other words, Bush called in a warning TO HIS FBI BUDDY IN HOUSTON about a possible assassination attempt IN HOUSTON when the parade had already gone through HOUSTON – 24 hours beforehand. There is only so much I am willing to swallow, this is just not plausible.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:18:07 +0000

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