Gerson Flores-Salgado (A 099-518-094) is currently being detained - TopicsExpress


Gerson Flores-Salgado (A 099-518-094) is currently being detained at the South Louisiana Correctional Center. He is a caring father of one U.S. citizen son, and has another baby on the way. His wife, Jare, has been struggling to make her medical appointments, and her husband’s deportation has caused stress on her pregnancy, making it dangerous for the baby on the way. Gerson has no criminal record, is a contributing member of his community and church, and only wants to support his family. Gerson Flores-Salgado (A 099-518-094) Actualmente está detenido en el Centro Correccional del Sur de Louisiana. Él es un padre que cuida de un hijo ciudadano de los EE.UU., y tiene otro bebé en camino. Su esposa, Jare, ha estado luchando para hacer sus citas médicas, y la deportación de su marido ha causado estrés en el embarazo, por lo que es peligroso para el bebé en camino. Gerson no tiene antecedentes penales, es un miembro activo de su comunidad y de la iglesia, y sólo quiere mantener a su familia. notonemoredeportation/portfolio/with-babys-life-in-danger-gerson-is-fighting-to-stay-with-his-family/
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 22:03:37 +0000

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